
Archive for the ‘winner’ Category

NFL: Divisional Round-Carolina Panthers at Seattle Seahawks

The matchup for Super Bowl XLIX is now set — the New England Patriots dominated the Indianapolis Colts in the AFC Championship, while the Seattle Seahawks came from behind to take down the Green Bay Packers in the NFC Championship. New England and Seattle will face off in the big game on Feb. 1.

Tom Brady is looking for his fourth Super Bowl victory, while the Seahawks are trying to repeat after winning the championship last season. It’s not exactly an unexpected matchup — both Seattle and New England were top seeds in their conferences, enjoying a week off in the wild card round and being favored in each game thus far.

Throughout the playoffs, the Seahawks have been the favorites to win it all, and that doesn’t seem likely to change. The opening odds for this specific matchup are out though, and it’s a very narrow margin. Seattle opened favored by 2 points, according to OddsShark.

The lines moved quickly following New England’s win over the Colts. At least one book moved the Seahawks to a 1-point favorite. Other books were giving even odds.

The over/under for the game is currently hovering around 48.5 points.

Super Bowl XLIX will be played on Feb. 1 at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Ariz. The game will be broadcast on NBC.

from:  http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2015/1/18/7799749/2015-super-bowl-odds-seahawks-patriots


Tom Brady 2011.JPG

Tom Brady was born on August 3rd, 1977 at 11:48 a.m. in San Mateo, California according to http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Brady,_Tom

August 3rd, 1977

August 3rd

8 + 3 +2+0+1+4 = 18 = his personal year (from August 3rd, 2014 to August 3rd, 2015) = Surreal.  This is crazy good.

The Moon Tarot card

18 year + 1 (January) = 19 = his personal month (from January 3rd, 2015 to February 3rd, 2015) = Achievement.  Attainment.  Prominence.  His time to shine.

The Sun Tarot card

19 year + 1 (1st of the month on Sunday February 1st, 2015) = 20 = his personal day = Judged to be the best living quarterback.

Judgement Tarot card




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June 5, 2012

Gov. Scott Walker, whose decision to cut collective bargaining rights for most public workers set off a firestorm in a state usually known for its political civility, easily held on to his job on Tuesday, becoming the first governor in the country to survive a recall election and dealing a painful blow to Democrats and labor unions.
Wisconsin Recall Results »

Walker 53.5%

Barrett 46.0

Trivedi 0.6
12:40 AM 96% reporting

Mr. Walker soundly defeated Mayor Tom Barrett of Milwaukee, the Democrats’ nominee in the recall attempt, with most precincts across the state reporting results. The victory by Mr. Walker, a Republican who was forced into an election to save his job less than two years into his first term, ensures that Republicans largely retain control of this state’s capital, and his fast-rising political profile is likely to soar still higher among conservatives.

Here in Waukesha, some Republican voters said the result ended the most volatile partisan fight in memory, one that boiled over 16 months ago in the collective bargaining battle and expanded into scuffles about spending, jobs, taxes, the role and size of government, and more. Democrats, some of whom are already pledging to mount strong challenges for state lawmakers’ seats in November, seemed less sure about the meaning of Mr. Walker’s victory.

“Tonight, we tell Wisconsin, we tell our country and we tell people all across the globe that voters really do want leaders who stand up and make the tough decisions,” Mr. Walker said, delivering a victory speech to supporters here. “But now it is time to move on and move forward in Wisconsin.”

In his concession speech in Milwaukee, Mr. Barrett said: “We are a state that has been deeply divided. It is up to all of us — our side and their side — to listen, to listen to each other.”

The result raised broader questions about the strength of labor groups, who had called hundreds of thousands of voters and knocked on thousands of doors. The outcome also seemed likely to embolden leaders in other states who have considered limits to unions as a way to solve budget problems, but had watched the backlash against Mr. Walker with worry.

Some Republicans said they considered Mr. Walker’s victory one indication that Wisconsin, which President Obama won easily in 2008 and which Democrats have carried in every presidential election since 1988, may be worth battling for this time.

“Obviously, Scott Walker winning tonight means that the Republicans are here for real,” said Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee. “Conservatives are here for real.” Mr. Priebus was attending Mr. Walker’s victory party at the Waukesha County Exposition Center, where “We Stand With Walker” signs were all around.

But even with the Republican victory on Tuesday, it remained an open question whether Mitt Romney, the party’s presidential nominee, can assume the momentum of Mr. Walker’s campaign. In exit polling of voters, 18 percent of Walker supporters said they favored Mr. Obama, and the president led in a matchup against Mr. Romney. Voters in the exit surveys also said they saw Mr. Obama as better equipped to improve the economy and help the middle class.

Republicans prevailed in at least four recall elections on Tuesday for other offices, including a race for lieutenant governor, which the incumbent, Rebecca Kleefisch, won. Scott Fitzgerald, the State Senate’s majority leader, who had ushered much of Mr. Walker’s agenda through the Legislature, also survived. Late Tuesday, votes were still being counted in one State Senate race in Racine, an outcome that will determine which party narrowly controls the chamber, at least until November.

Mr. Walker, who raised millions of dollars from conservative donors outside the state, had a strong financial advantage, in part because a quirk in state law allowed him months of unlimited fund-raising, from the time the recall challenge was mounted to when the election was officially called. As of late last month, about $45.6 million had been spent on behalf of Mr. Walker, compared with about $17.9 million for Mr. Barrett, according to data from the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, a nonpartisan group that tracks spending.

“What it shows is the peril of corporate dollars in an election and the dangers of Citizens United,” said Dennis Van Roekel, president of the National Education Association, a school workers’ union, referring to the 2010 Supreme Court decision that barred the federal government from restricting political expenditures from corporations, unions and other groups.

Wisconsin Recall Results »


Walker 53.4%

Barrett 46.0

Trivedi 0.6
12:42 AM   97% reporting

Voters went to the polls in droves, and some polling places needed extra ballots brought in as long lines of people waited. One polling location was so swamped, state officials said, that it found itself using photocopied ballots, which later had to be hand-counted. The final flurry of television advertising — with Mr. Walker outspending Mr. Barrett seven to one — seemed to have little impact on the outcome. Nearly 9 in 10 people said they had made up their minds before May, according to exit poll interviews.

The recall race carried implications well beyond Wisconsin, particularly in the escalating fight between wealthy conservative donors and labor unions. Many Republican contributors from across the country who have invested millions in the presidential race also sent checks to Mr. Walker, hoping to inflict deep wounds on organized labor, a key constituency for Democrats.

The outcome was also being closely monitored in Boston by Mr. Romney’s campaign and in Chicago at Mr. Obama’s re-election headquarters for a signal of how the electorate is viewing the big issues in the race for the White House. The president kept his distance from Wisconsin, to the dismay of many Democrats in the state, in an effort to avoid alienating independent voters he hopes to win over in the fall.

A snapshot of the Wisconsin electorate, gleaned through surveys with voters as they left the polls, found that a majority of men had supported Mr. Walker, while most women had voted for Mr. Barrett. Almost a fifth of the electorate was 65 or older, with only about one in 10 voters of college age. The recall race unfolded against a backdrop of economic uncertainty, with only 2 in 10 voters saying their family’s finances have improved in the two years since Mr. Walker was elected. About a third said their financial situation had grown worse, and more than 4 in 10 said their finances had stayed the same.

The political war in Wisconsin began in February 2011 when Governor Walker, only weeks into his first term, announced that he needed to cut benefits and collective bargaining rights for most public workers as a way to solve an expected state budget deficit of $3.6 billion.

Tens of thousands of union supporters and Democrats protested in Madison, the capital, and the State Senate’s Democrats — who were a minority in the chamber but had enough members to prevent a quorum — went into hiding in hotels and houses in Illinois to try, unsuccessfully, to prevent a vote on the measure.

By January, critics of Mr. Walker delivered more than 900,000 signatures on petitions to recall him, far more than the one-quarter of voters from the last election that state law requires.

The election, which cost local governments as much as $18 million to carry out, has raised another debate over the appropriateness of using a recall vote to remove officials.

“Recall was never meant to be used just because you don’t like the way the other side is governing,” said Jenny Beth Martin, a co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, which made tens of thousands of calls to voters in recent days in support of Mr. Walker.

Around the nation, numerous efforts have been made over the years to recall governors, but only three, including the push to remove Mr. Walker, met the requirements to place the matter on the ballot. In California, Gov. Gray Davis was removed in 2003, and in North Dakota, Gov. Lynn Frazier was recalled in 1921.

from:  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/06/us/politics/walker-survives-wisconsin-recall-effort.html


Scott Kevin Walker was born on November 2nd, 1967 (time of birth unknown) in Colorado Springs, Colorado according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Walker_(politician)

November 2nd, 1967

11 + 2 +1+9+6+7 = 36 = his life lesson = Incumbent.  Recall election.  Having his work cut out for him.  Going to far.  Going over the line.  Abuse of power.

Ten of Wands Tarot card


Tuesday June 5th, 2012

November 2nd, 1967

November 2nd

11 + 2 +2+0+1+1 = 17 = his personal year (from November 2nd, 2011 to November 1st, 2012) = Be realistic.

17 year + 6 (June) = 23 = his personal month (from June 2nd, 2012 to July 1st, 2012) = Leadership.  Taking action.  Direct action.

23 month + 5 (th of the month on Tuesday June 5th, 2012) = 28 = his personal day = Surviving the recall election.




comprehensive summary and list of predictions for 2012:





learn numerology from numerologist to the world, Ed Peterson:






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Katherine Jenkins

“The Sexy Soprano”

PRO PARTNER: Mark Ballas

In case you were wondering who the world’s most prolific classical crossover artist is, look no further than Katherine Jenkins!

The Welsh Mezzo Soprano has sold in excess of seven million albums since launching her career in 2004. An internationally recognized figure, Katherine, at the age of only 31, has become an ambassador and inspiration for millions of people around the world.

When she was 23, Katherine signed what was said to be the biggest ever UK classical recording deal; she has broken records becoming the fastest selling mezzo soprano ever, has released eight studio albums, has won two Classical BRIT awards and broken countless records with her albums going platinum around the world. She has performed with Placido Domingo and Andrea Bocelli, had lunch with and performed for the Queen and other members of The Royal Family as well as Prime Ministers and dignitaries around the world.

Having recently worked with internationally renowned producers including David Foster and John Shanks, Katherine’s unique and timeless vocals have defined the genre. Known for her interpretations of popular songs, operatic arias and hymns, Katherine is also known for her long-standing work with the British Forces Foundation for which she is a trustee and has consequently made various trips to Iraq and Afghanistan to entertain the troops. This support for the troops has led her to being referred to as the Forces Sweetheart.

Cherished as one of Britain’s favorite singers, Katherine has become one of our greatest musical exports. Now she’s adding Dancing with the Stars to her already impressive list of accomplishments.

from:  http://abc.go.com/shows/dancing-with-the-stars/cast-announcement/ThemeGallery/928808


Katherine Jenkins was born on June 29th, 1980 (time of birth unknown) according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katherine_Jenkins

June 29th, 1980

6 + 29 +1+9+8+0 = 53 = her life lesson = Passionate.  Principles.


June 29th, 1980

June 29th

6 + 29 +2+0+1+1 = 39 = her personal year (from June 29th, 2011 to June 28th, 2012) = Charm.  Ideal.  Perfect.  Nice.  Compliments.

39 year + 4 (April) = 43 = her personal month (from April 29th, 2012 to May 28th, 2012) = Dancing With The Stars.  Congratulations.  Celebrating.

Three of Cups Tarot card

43 month + 22 (22nd of the month on Tuesday May 22nd, 2012) = 65 = her personal day = Mirror ball.  Worldly success.  Making it big time.

King of Pentacles Tarot card\





Mark Ballas

Coming from a family of international dance stars, it’s no surprise that Mark has two shiny disco ball trophies at home. He even beat out his dad, Corky, and tied with childhood friend Derek Hough, for the wins.

Mark joined the show in Season 5. Despite their stellar performances, he and partner Sabrina Bryan were eliminated in week six. It was so controversial that various websites voted it 2007’s Most Shocking TV Moment.

Despite the Season 5 upset, Mark came back to win the DWTS title in Season 6 with partner Kristi Yamaguchi, and again in Season 8 with Shawn Johnson.

Born in Houston, Texas, Mark moved to London with his family as a child and joined the Italia Conti Academy of Dramatic Arts Associate School where his training in acting and singing/dancing began.

He grew up with fellow DWTS pros Derek and Julianne Hough, who lived and trained with his parents. He says they are more like family than friends. “We get along like brothers…we fight like brothers.” Mark and Julianne partnered to win Junior Latin American and Junior Olympics dance championships.

As an actor, Mark has played the lead in the musical Copacabana. He also took on roles in the UK tour of Maria de Buenos Aires, and was an understudy in the London Palladium production of The Buddy Holly Musical. Plus, maybe you caught his guest star appearance on the 2008 season premiere of Samantha Who?

When he’s not dancing, Mark focuses on his other passion, which is music. He rocks out with his band on tour and in the studio, and has released two CD’s as a solo artist and one as the Ballas Hough band.

from:  http://abc.go.com/shows/dancing-with-the-stars/pro-dancers/ThemeGallery/845187


Mark Ballas was born on May 24th, 1986 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Ballas

May 24th, 1986

5 + 24 +1+9+8+6 = 53 = his life lesson = Passionate.  Principles.


May 24th, 1986

May 24th

5 + 24 +2+0+1+1 = 33 = his personal year (from May 24th, 2011 to May 24th, 2012) = Bravado.  Putting on a good show.

33 year + 4 (April) = 37 = his personal month (from April 24th, 2012 to May 23rd, 2012) = Heartfelt.  Music.  Songs.  Yanking at your heart strings.

King of Cups Tarot card

37 month + 22 (22nd of the month on Tuesday May 22nd, 2012) = 59 = his personal day = Catharsis.

Five of Swords Tarot card


betting odds:

Katherine Jenkins  2/1

Donald Driver  19/10

William Levy  11/4

from:  http://www.tvshowbettingodds.com/dancing-with-the-stars-season-14-betting-odds-for-april-30-2012/


read more at:  http://dwts14.com/




listen to the audio summary from Ed Peterson at:







comprehensive summary and list of predictions for 2012:





learn numerology from numerologist to the world, Ed Peterson:






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The new cast of “Dancing With the Stars.” Back row, from left: Ron Artest, David Arquette, J.R. Martinez, Rob Kardashian and Chaz Bono. Front row, from left: Ricki Lake, Kristin Cavallari, Chynna Phillips, Nancy Grace, Hope Solo and Elisabetta Canalis.


We learned which celebrities would be showing off their fancy footwork on the upcoming season of “Dancing With the Stars,” but that was only half the story. Thanks to a new ballroom reveal, we now know who those stars will be waltzing with.

The pairings are:

  • David Arquette and Kym Johnson
  • Ricki Lake and Derek Hough
  • Hope Solo and Maksim Chmerkovskiy
  • Nancy Grace and Tristan MacManus
  • Ron Artest and Peta Murgatroyd
  • Chaz Bono and Lacey Schwimmer
  • Elisabetta Canalis and Val Chmerkovskiy
  • Kristen Cavallari and Mark Ballas
  • Robert Kardashian and Cheryl Burke
  • J.R. Martinez and Karina Smirnoff
  • Chynna Phillips and Tony Dovolani
  • Carson Kressley and Anna Trebunskaya


from:  http://theclicker.today.com/_news/2011/08/31/7538228-dancing-with-the-stars-pros-and-pairings-revealed


Tue Nov 22, 2011       4:51am EST

The most different people possible face off in the “Dancing With the Stars” finale tonight, as “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” brother Rob Kardashian tries to beat frontrunner J.R. Martinez, an Iraq war veteran who sustained burns over much of his body in service to his country.

Just for fun, let’s pretend this isn’t only a dance contest, but also a look at who we as a country honor and value in our society. It’s not a huge leap, since the audience vote makes this, above all else, a popularity contest.

Read more: Meet J.R. Martinez, the ‘DWTS’ Star Not Just Famous for Being Famous

Makes the show a little more interesting, doesn’t it?

On one hand, there’s a man who made a dramatic sacrifice and now inspires others to carry on in the face of unimaginable adversity. On the other, there’s a guy who became semi-famous after his older sister made a sex tape.

Read more: J.R. Martinez Gets ‘DWTS’ Standing Ovation for War Vet-Inspired Dance (Video)

Add to the mix once-and-current talk show host Ricki Lake, who has competed closely with J.R. Martinez, also an “All My Children” star, to be the frontrunner in the 13th run of the show.

But Kardashian has slowly emerged as a serious contender recently. And with a perfect-score performance in Monday night’s final competition episode of the season, Kardashian and Martinez now appear to be in a close battle for the mirror ball trophy.

Dancing the freestyle to “Minnie the Moocher” with partner Cheryl Burke, Kardashian earned a 30 from the judges for his performance, which included lifting Burke above his head and twirling her around.

“You’ve just given your all,” judge Len Goodman told Kardashian. “Your family should be proud.”

Lake and partner Derek Hough earned a pair of respectable 27s from the judges, while Martinez, dancing with an injured ankle, earned a 24 for his first dance, and rebounded with partner Karina Smirnoff to end the night with another perfect score.

Martinez and Smirnoff’s spirited freestyle to “Whine Up” earned them their third 30 of the season, more than any other dance duo.

“Two things were revealed: Karina’s body and your talent,” Goodman said of the dance.

Of course, it’s only a dance contest.

But it’s not.

Check out video of Kardashian and Martinez’s perfect-score performances, and make the call: Will the war veteran or the reality show vet become the champ in tonight’s “DWTS” finale? Or does Ricki Lake, who’ll launch her new talk show next season, still have a chance?

from:  http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/22/idUS404653585220111122


September 19th, 2011

9 + 19 +2+0+1+1 = 32 = DWTS season 13’s life lesson = Blockbuster.  Over the top.  Larger than life.  Mainstream.




J.R. Martinez was born on June 14th, 1983 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.R._Martinez

June 14th, 1983

June 14th

6 + 14 +2+0+1+1 = 24 = his personal year (from June 14th, 2011 to June 13th, 2012) = Dominating.  In charge.

24 year + 11 (November) = 35 = his personal month (from November 14th, 2011 to December 13th, 2011) = Perseverance.  Hanging in there.  Not giving up.




Rob Kardashian was born on March 17th, 1987 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rob_Kardashian

March 17th, 1987

March 17th

3 + 17 +2+0+1+1 = 24 = his personal year (from March 17th, 2011 to March 16th, 2012) = Cleaning up his act.

24 year + 11 (November) = 35 = his personal month (from November 17th, 2011 to December 16th, 2011) = Perseverance.  Hanging in there.  Not giving up.




Ricki Lake was born on September 21st, 1968 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricki_Lake

September 21st, 1968

September 21st

9 + 21 +2+0+1+1 = 34 = her personal year (from September 21st, 2011 to October 20th, 2011) = Generating a buzz.  Things happen really quickly.

34 year + 11 (November) = 45 = Ricki Lake’s personal month (from November 21st, 2011 to December 20th, 2011) = Intense.  Focused.  Things go horribly wrong.




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