
Archive for the ‘Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands’ Category

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April 23, 2012         1506 GMT

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte resigned Monday after a far-right party withdrew its support for his government, a government spokesman said.

The move may clear the way for early elections in the Netherlands, possibly as soon as this summer, the government said.

Lawmakers are scheduled to meet Tuesday to decide how to go forward.

Queen Beatrix asked Rutte and his ministers to stay in their positions until new elections.

Rutte’s government had depended on the support of Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom, which came in third in parliamentary elections two years ago.

No party won enough seats to govern alone in 2010, so Rutte cobbled together a coalition with another center-right party.

But even that alliance did not command a majority in parliament, so they relied on the support of Wilders’s anti-Muslim party.

The Party for Freedom did not get control of any government ministries, but the coalition agreement included elements it pushed for, such as a burqa ban.

No ban has been put in place.

Wilders’ Party for Freedom defied predictions by taking 24 seats in parliament in June 2010, more than doubling the number of seats it held before the vote.

Wilders himself has been in and out of court for years, accused of inciting hatred against Muslims with his controversial film “Fitna.”

The movie, which he released online in March 2008 to international outcry, features disturbing images of terrorist acts superimposed over verses from the Quran in an apparent attempt to paint Islam as a threat to Western society.

from:  http://edition.cnn.com/2012/04/23/world/europe/netherlands-politics/?hpt=ibu_c1


Queen Beatrix was born on January 31st, 1938 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beatrix_of_the_Netherlands

Janaury 31st, 1938

1 + 31 +1+9+3+8 = 53 = her life lesson = Debates.  Arguing.  Principles.  Fighting for the truth.  Straight to the point.

Knight of Swords Tarot card


January 31st, 1938

January 31

1 + 31 +2+0+1+2 = 37 = her personal year (from January 31st, 2012 to January 30th, 2013) = Heartfelt.  Just looking out for the best interests of everyone.  My fellow countrymen.

King of Cups Tarot card

37 year + 3 (March) = 40 = her personal month (from March 31st, 2012 to April 30th, 2012) = I could use some help.

Page of Cups Tarot card

40 month + 23 (23rd of the month on Monday April 23rd, 2012) = 63 = her personal day = Concerns.  Worries.  Living nightmare.

Nine of Swords Tarot card

40 month + 24 (24th of the month on Tuesday April 24th, 2012) = 64 = her personal day = This sucks.  Deep sadness.

Ten of Swords Tarot card




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