
Archive for the ‘Lisa Hunter’ Category

The house where Hunter lives near Freedom Park in Sedgefield. (Source: WBTV's Steve Crump)

Jun 03, 2011 11:05 AM CDT

In late 2009, John Edwards’ reportedly purchased a home in south Charlotte for the woman at the center of the indictments.

Edwards reportedly bought the house for Rielle Hunter, who he admitted to having an affair with. He was indicted Friday on charges he used campaign donations to hide the Hunter from the public.

Edwards, who was a presidential candidate in 2008, admitted to an affair with the former campaign worker during a TV interview in August of 2008.  Shortly after the news was made public, his political career begin to unravel.

Hunter gave birth to a girl named Frances in February of 2008 and many people speculated that Edwards fathered the child. Edwards has since admitted it is his child.

According to an article first published by the Charlotte Business Journal in late 2009, the National Enquirer reported that Edwards bought Hunter a house in Charlotte.

The Charlotte Business Journal article at the time said the 2,850-square-foot home was located on Providence Road which is in Charlotte’s affluent Myers Park area and it sold for $535,000 in late December.

According to a Mecklenburg County deed, the buyer of the house was listed as The Providence Road Trust, the Charlotte Business Journal article reported.

But, since late 2009, there are reports Hunter has moved to a different home in Charlotte, but she still reportedly is living in the city. That new home is near the Myers Park neighborhood just blocks from Freedom Park in the Sedgefield area.

The Enquirer has also reportedly taken pictures of Hunter and her child at a hotel in Charlotte.

Edwards served as the US Senator from North Carolina for one term and he was also the Democratic nominee for Vice President in 2004.

He was married to Elizabeth Edwards who died after being diagnosed with cancer in 2004.

The couple built a 28,000-square-foot home near Chapel Hill, NC a few years ago.

from:  http://www.wbtv.com/story/14834454/john-edwards-mistress-lives-in-charlotte


Rielle Hunter was born on March 20th, 1964 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rielle_Hunter

March 20th, 1964

March 20th

3 + 20 +2+0+1+1 = 27 = her personal year (from March 20th, 2011 to March 19th, 2012) = Acting out of character.

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