
Archive for the ‘Tuesday November 6th 2012’ Category

August 10, 2012                    9:08 p.m.

It seems that the vice presidency is never as important as it is right now.

Or at least as it seems to be at roughly this point every four years, when the nominating conventions are approaching and the political world is whipped up in “veepstakes” frenzy.

One of the great political mysteries with each presidential campaign is who the eventual nominee might pick as his would-be vice president, a process that is meant to be and often is secretive, even in a campaign atmosphere driven by leaks. And, right on cue, reporters and political insiders are looking for any hint of a shred of a clue from Mitt Romney as to which Republican he’ll tap as his running mate.

When he addressed the issue in an interview Thursday he was characteristically cagey, saying only that he expected “to have a person that has a strength of character, a vision for the country that adds something to the political discourse about the direction of the country.” That arguably is a description that could suit any of the leading possibilities – Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan or former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty – and  yet a debate ensued about whether Romney tipped his hand.

This weekend, television cameras will tail some of the would-be VP candidates as they campaign in November battlegrounds on Romney’s behalf. Chances are they’ll each be asked a version of the same questions about the process countless times. And it won’t be long before networks begin staking out the short-listers at their homes.

The interest isn’t just on the part of the media, either. Politico reported Friday morning that more than 200,000 people downloaded the Romney campaign’s special app to alert users when the choice is made.

And yet, as important as the process is – or, perhaps more accurately, as important as breaking the story is to some news organizations – chances are the eventual choice will go largely unnoticed in the final two months of the campaign. There are only a handful of big moments for the running mates – a convention speech, the vice presidential debate and perhaps some network interviews.

Otherwise, the standing order is to “do no harm,” that is, stay on message and away from bad headlines. Sarah Palin’s time as John McCain’s running mate four years ago showed just what can happen when the choice strays from the norm, and the benefits and risks of a bolder choice.

So why the “BFD,” to quote our current second in command?

Consider this: Since John Adams was elected in 1789, there have been 13,794 days, or roughly the combined equivalent of 38 years, in which the nation had no sitting vice president.

Put another way, the office has been vacant one out of every 12th day since Adams first took that post, one that he famously would come to deride as being the most insignificant office ever conceived.

Turns out the vice presidency was so important to the founders that the U.S. Constitution had no mechanism for filling a vacancy in the post until the 25th amendment was ratified 45 years ago, just four years after Lyndon Johnson assumed the presidency following John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Until that time, in the event of a vacancy, no replacement was chosen until the subsequent election.

Beyond that most important of vice presidential duties – ascending to the presidency if the worst should happen – the office has only gained power and influence in recent years because presidents wanted it to. Since Jimmy Carter offered Walter Mondale a greater role as his partner in governing in 1977, the role has grown to become one of chief surrogate and senior advisor, often with a significant piece of policy real estate. That’s certainly been the case with  Joe Biden for Barack Obama.

But as Biden has also shown, the media tends only to focus on the No. 2 when he makes a mistake or goes off message. As we obsessively track the whereabouts of Portman, Pawlenty and Ryan, among others, Biden has been on vacation all week, at a beach in his home state in Delaware.

from:  http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-the-sudden-significance-of-the-most-insignificant-office-20120810,0,2926282.story


Joe Biden was born on November 20th, 1942 at 8:30 a.m. in Scranton, Pennsylvania according to http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Biden,_Joseph

November 20th, 1942

11 + 20 +1+9+4+2 = 47 = his life lesson = Famous.  Internationally known.


November 20th, 1942

November 20th

11 +20 +2+0+1+1 = 35 = his personal year (from November 20th, 2011 to November 19th, 2012) = Defense.  Defending himself and Barack Obama.

Nine of Wands Tarot card

35 year + 10 (October) = 45 = his personal month (from October 20th, 2012 to November 19th, 2012) = Expectations > reality = disappointment.

Five of Cups Tarot card

45 month + 6 (6th of the month on Tuesday November 6th, 2012) = 51 = his personal day = Presidential election.

King of Swords Tarot card





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Paul Ryan

August 11, 2012              9:05 a.m.

The choice of GOP budget guru Paul Ryan as the vice-presidential running mate drew sharp, swift responses reflecting the nation’s deeply polarized political landscape.

The conservative Tea Party Express praised Mitt Romney‘s decision to tap Ryan “who is so popular with tea party activists.”

And Sen. Marco Rubio, the Florida Republican who also had been a vice presidential contender, called Ryan a “courageous reformer.” Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum said adding Ryan to the ticket reflects Romney’s commitment to restoring “fiscal sanity,” and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush found the choice “courageous.”

“Mitt Romney made a courageous choice for a BIG solutions election,” said former GOP presidential nominee Newt Gingrich. GOP Sen. John McCain, the 2008 presidential nominee, called the Romney-Ryan ticket “the strongest team.”

The conservative Club for Growth said the pick “sends the message that Gov. Romney is interested in bold reforms.”

Democratsand their allies, though, welcomed the opportunity to bring the Ryan fiscal agenda to voters this fall, and immediately sent out a fundraising email about Romney’s choice of “the architect of the Republican plan to kill Medicare.”

“Congressman Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney are a match made in millionaires’ heaven,” said Rep. Steve Israel of New York, who directs Democratic campaign efforts in the House. “But they’ll be a nightmare for seniors who’ve earned their Medicare benefits.”

Ryan, a Wisconsin congressman who chairs the House Budget Committee, has long been a polarizing figure in national politics for his austere approach to reining in the nation’s deficits and revamping the entitlement system — particularly his Medicare proposal that would allow the next generation of seniors, those now 55, the option of a voucher-like system to buy private insurance outside the existing senior health program. The 42-year-old is one of the so-called “Young Guns” of up-and-coming House Republican leaders.

“A Romney-Ryan ticket is a weapon of mass destruction unapologetically pointed at our Social Security, our Medicare and our hopes for maintaining a modest, middle class lifestyle during our retirement years,” said Eric Kingson, co-founder of the Social Security Coalition and Nancy Altman, co-director of the Social Security Works.

With the choice of Ryan, the presumed GOP presidential nominee has shown the American people that an “extremist, irresponsible and anti-worker agenda is what’s right for our country,” said Mary Kay Henry, the president of the SEIU labor union.

The 1 million-member Progressive Change Campaign Committee called Ryan “a right-wing extremist who wants to end Medicare.”

Rep. Kathy Hochul, the New York Democrat who won a 2011 special election in a race that experts said turned in part on Ryan’s proposed Medicare changes, campaigned on the choice Saturday, saying the country needs fresh choices not a rehashing of “failed ideas.”

Ryan also drew sharp responses from women’s groups over his position against abortion.

The anti-abortion Susan B. Anthony List praised his “pristine pro-life voting record,” and his insistence there be “no ‘truce'” on the issue.

Some congressional Republicans have backed away from Ryan’s fiscal approach, but congressional leaders split along largely partisan lines Saturday over the vice presidential choice, despite the overwhelming approval of Ryan’s budget blueprint by his party in the House and Senate.

House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) called Ryan a “proven leader.” Fellow “Young Gun” Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the House majority leader, said by picking Ryan, a friend, Romney “could not have made a finer choice for the future direction of the country.”

Democrats characterized the choice as a “Hail Mary” pass to appeal to conservatives and the tea party base of the Republican Party that will alienate independent voters.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nv.) said Romney “has doubled down on his commitment to gut Social Secuirty and end Medicare as we know it” by “catering to the tea party and the far right.”

And Rep. Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, the Democratic minority leader, said: “The choice Americans are facing could not be more clear.”

from:  http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-reaction-to-paul-ryan-vp-choice-is-swift-polarizing-20120811,0,5743504.story


[Uranus/Midheaven = Pluto (in the 10th house)]


Paul Ryan was born on January 29th, 1970 at 2:37 a.m. in Janesville, Wisconsin according to http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Ryan,_Paul

January 29th, 1970

1+ 29 +1+9+7+0 = 47 = his life lesson = Candidate.  Selection.  Name recognition.


January 29th, 1970

January 29th

1 + 29 +2+0+1+2 = 35 = his personal year (from January 29th, 2012 to January 28th, 2013) = Defense.  Defending himself and Mitt Romney.  In it for the long haul.

Nine of Wands Tarot card

35 year + 10 (October) = 45 = his personal month (from October 29th, 2012 to November 28th, 2012) = Is the glass half-empty or half-full?

Five of Cups Tarot card

45 month + 6 (6th of the month on Tuesday November 6th, 2012) = 51 = his personal day = Presidential election.  A lesson lived, is a lesson learned.

King of Swords Tarot card





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Sunday, 14 August 2011 04:00

Texas Governor Rick Perry announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for President of the United States at a RedState bloggers gathering in Charleston, South Carolina, on Saturday. The event also featured a speech by South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

The blog RedState.com describes itself as “the most widely read right of center blog on Capitol Hill” as well as “the most often cited right of center blog in the media.”

Perry noted at the beginning of his speech: “It is great to be at RedState. And I’ll tell you what, it’s even better to be governor of the largest red state in America.” He did not mention, however, that he once worked to make Texas a blue state. In 1988, he served as Texas chairman of Democrat Al Gore’s presidential bid. The following year, he joined the Republican Party. He became Lieutenant Governor of Texas in 1999 and Governor in 2000.

In his speech in Charleston, the latest Republican to throw his hat into the presidential ring described his vision for America:

As Americans, we don’t see the role of government as guaranteeing outcomes, but allowing free men and women to flourish based on their own vision, their hard work and their personal responsibility. And as Americans, we realize there is no taxpayer money that wasn’t first earned by the sweat and toil of one of our citizens.

That’s why we reject this President’s unbridled fixation on taking more money out of the wallets and pocketbooks of American families and employers and giving it to a central government. “Spreading the wealth” punishes success while setting America on course to greater dependency on government.

Washington’s insatiable desire to spend our children’s inheritance on failed “stimulus” plans and other misguided economic theories have given us record debt and left us with far too many unemployed.

“Spreading the wealth” did not start with the Obama administration, of course. In 2008, President George W. Bush successfully lobbied to get the $700 billion TARP bailout though Congress. Perry has since spoken out against this huge transfer-the-wealth program benefiting mega banks and financial corporations, but he was arguably for TARP bailout before he was against it. On September 1, 2008, when the TARP bailout was being considered by Congress, Perry, as president of the Republican Governors Association, joined his Democrat counterpart, Governor Joe Manchin of West Virginia, in co-authoring a letter to congressional leaders saying: “As leaders of our respective organizations, we don’t always see eye to eye on policy, but we come together today with one clear purpose. We strongly urge Congress to leave partisanship at the door and pass an economic recovery package.” But the letter did not explicitly mention the TARP bailout, and Perry said later he was thinking of legislation outside of TARP.

In his Charleston speech, Perry also voiced his strong opposition to the President healthcare legislation also known as ObmaCare:

In America, the people are not subjects of government. The government is subject to the people. And it is up to us, to this present generation of Americans, to take a stand for freedom, to send a message to Washington that we’re taking our future back from the grips of central planners who would control our healthcare, who would spend our treasure, who downgrade our future and micro-manage our lives.

It is time to limit and simplify the taxes in this country. We have to quit spending money we don’t have. We need to get our fiscal house in order and restore our good credit. And we will repeal this President’s misguided, one-size-fits-all government healthcare plan immediately.

However, as the Daily Caller has pointed out, “Perry is a staunch opponent of Obamacare, but he has one Romney-like skeleton in his closet. In 2007, he signed an executive order mandating that girls in Texas get vaccinated against human papillomavirus, which causes cervical cancer. But the vaccine is largely untested, and even the FDA has ruled that it could have harmful effects and shouldn’t be approved for public use until more tests are conducted.” Perry’s order even directed that the vaccine be given free of charge to girls who did not have insurance coverage for vaccines. Perry’s executive decree kicked up such a firestorm of controversy that the Texas legislature nullified it.

Regarding foreign policy, Perry said in Charleston:

Our president has insulted our friends and he’s encouraged our enemies, thumbing his nose at traditional allies like Israel. He seeks to dictate new borders for the Middle East and the oldest democracy there, Israel, while he is an abject failure in his constitutional duty to protect our borders in the United States. His foreign policy seems to be based on alienating our traditional allies, while basing our domestic agenda on importing those failed Western European social values. We don’t need a president who apologizes for America. We need a president who protects and projects those values.

He added: “Look, it’s pretty simple: we’re going to stand with those who stand with us, and we will vigorously defend our interests.”

Referring to his leadership as Governor of Texas, Perry claimed,

We have led Texas based on some just really pretty simple guiding principles. One is don’t spend all of the money. Two is keeping the taxes low and under control. Three is you have your regulatory climate fair and predictable. Four is reform the legal system so frivolous lawsuits don’t paralyze employers that are trying to create jobs.

Governor Haley gave no clues as to whom she will endorse in the presidential race. Her state will hold the nation’s first-in-the-South primary in February. “He has a hope for America that is great,” Haley said of Perry. “But I think the field is wide open. I think it’s anybody’s game at this point.”

This is Perry’s first bid for the presidency. In the last presidential elections, he initially endorsed Rudy Giuliani for President; after Giuliani withdrew from the race, Perry endorsed John McCain.

from:  http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/8589-texas-gov-rick-perry-now-running-for-president


James Richard “Rick” Perry was born on March 4th, 1950 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Perry

March 4th, 1950

3 + 4 +1+9+5+0 = 22 = his life lesson = what he is here to learn = Looking before he leaps.  Lucky.  Fool.  Clown.  Bozo.  Idiot.  Ridiculous.  Absurd.  Joker.  What a joke.  You’ve got to be kidding me.


The United States presidential election of 2012 is to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012.

March 4th, 1950

March 4th

3 + 4 +2+0+1+2 = 12 = his personal year (from March 4th, 2012 to March 3rd, 2013) = Faith makes you act in different ways. Reversals.

12 year + 11 (November) = 23 = his personal month (from November 4th, 2012 to December 3rd, 2012) = Leadership.  Taking the lead.  Leading the way.  Taking action.

23 year + 6 (6th of the month on Tuesday November 6th, 2012) = 29 = his personal day = Barack Obama.

[Numerologically a person’s life lesson number stands for themself.  Barack Obama was born on August 4th, 1961.  8 + 4 +1+9+6+1 = 29 = his life lesson number.

That it is Rick Perry’s 29 day indicates that Barack Obama (whose life lesson number in 29) will be signigicant to him on Tuesday November 6th, 2012.]


using the number/letter grid:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


A = 1 J = 1 S = 1

B = 2 K = 2 T = 2

C = 3 L = 3 U = 3

D = 4 M = 4 V = 4

E = 5 N = 5 W = 5

F = 6 O = 6 X = 6

G = 7 P = 7 Y = 7

H = 8 Q = 8 Z = 8

I = 9 R = 9



Rick Perry
9932 75997     60


his path of destiny = 60 = Thinking outside of the box.  Radical.  Extremist.  Far-right Republican.  Fringe member.  Secessionist.




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06/14/11 10:30 AM ET

This early in the season, a presidential primary debate is essentially about winning the battle of the buzz. On a crowded stage, the objective is to separate oneself in a way that captures media attention and drives post-debate conversation. The contender who best accomplished that in Monday’s CNN New Hampshire debate is Michele Bachmann, the Minnesota congresswoman with a singular talent for seizing the spotlight. Compared to her six male opponents, Bachmann came across as scrappy and forthright. You may disagree with every word she says, but there’s no question the woman has the courage of her convictions.

Bachmann’s fluency as a presidential debater complicates the fortunes of her rivals. Her ideological purity makes Mitt Romney look all the more wishy-washy. Her vivacity heightens the mind-numbing dullness of fellow Minnesotan Tim Pawlenty. Her can-do gumption reduces Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul to the status of cranky old men. Her social conservatism puts Rick Santorum to shame — Bachmann can trump Santorum’s seven children with a whopping 23 foster children of her own. Only Herman Cain is as plainspoken and conversational, but politically he appears not ready for prime time-for God’s sake, the man mispronounced “Chile.”

Bachmann has the performance mechanics down pat. She knows how to deliver her message in sound bites, and she rarely shrinks from addressing the question on the table. Unlike some of the other stuffed shirts on the stage, she seems like a real person. This is a political skill that cannot be underestimated.

Bachmann’s one glaringly weak moment of the debate was an ambiguous, contradictory response on gay marriage. Her position on the matter is muddled; about the only thing that’s certain is that she stands outside the mainstream of popular opinion, on this as on most other social issues. The congresswoman’s response on gay marriage represented a rare misstep, and it highlights the vulnerability she will face as a national candidate forced to step outside her right-wing comfort zone.

If Bachmann’s performance now lifts her into the varsity ranks of Republican presidential contenders, Gingrich and Santorum just got pushed further to the sidelines. You have to wonder how many more debates they will get invited to, or what right-minded person would give either of them a dime. As for the others, Ron Paul will always be Ron Paul, which is to say more contrarian than viable candidate. Pawlenty performed adequately, but he needed to gain serious traction in this debate, and clearly that did not happen. Romney managed to emerge relatively unscathed, despite predictions from the pundits that he would serve as the debate’s punching bag. That said, he’s still not very likeable.

To the chagrin of her less media-savvy opponents, feisty Michele Bachmann lives to fight another day. Long after most of these other candidates have vanished from the race, it appears likely she’ll still be standing.

from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alan-schroeder/michele-bachmanns-preside_b_876432.html


Michele Marie Bachmann was born April 6th, 1956 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Bachmann

April 6th, 1956

4 + 6 +1+9+5+6 = 31 = her life lesson = what she is here to learn = Competition. Competing. Controversial. Stirring things up. Striving to be #1. Rising to the challenge.


Each letter of the first and middle names rules 9 years of life.  Ages 54 to 63 are ruled by the sum of the 7th letter of the name and the sum of the digits of the year of birth.

Michele Marie Bachmann     April 6th, 1956

13 (M is the 13th letter of the alphabet) +1+9+5+6 = 34

So from ages fifty-four to sixty-three she has the number 34 going on.

34 Generating a buzz.  Meteoric rise.  Momentum.  Red hot.  Smokin’ hot. 


April 6th, 1956
April 6th
4 + 6 +2+0+1+1 = 14 = her personal year (from April 6th, 2011 to April 5th, 2012) = Sexy. Sex appeal.
14 year + 8 (August) = 22 = her personal month (from August 6th, 2011 to September 5th, 2011) = Like a three ring circus.


using the number/letter grid:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


A = 1 J = 1 S = 1

B = 2 K = 2 T = 2

C = 3 L = 3 U = 3

D = 4 M = 4 V = 4

E = 5 N = 5 W = 5

F = 6 O = 6 X = 6

G = 7 P = 7 Y = 7

H = 8 Q = 8 Z = 8

I = 9 R = 9



Michele Marie Bachmann

4938535 41995 21384155       94

her path of destiny = 94 = Her can-do gumption reduces Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul to the status of cranky old men.




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