
Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

Libyan rebels celebrate at a checkpoint after a deal is made with the elders of Bani Walid

July 5, 2012

Nearly three million Libyans have registered to vote in the country’s first multi-party election in 60 years, set for Saturday.  They will choose among 1400 candidates for a 200-seat National Assembly that will form a temporary government and draft a constitution, leading to another election next year.

Nine months ago, Libyans were celebrating in a square in central Tripoli. They renamed it Martyrs’ Square, in memory of the fighters who died in the revolution that ended 42 years of rule by Moammar Gadhafi.

Today, the square is busy with traffic and decorated with campaign posters for Saturday’s election.

Tripoli cafes are buzzing about the election.  Student Amin Siyala is home for the summer from school in Britain.

“Stuff hasn’t become suddenly a lot better. That’s just truth right now. But obviously we know it will get better because there still needs to be time for the elections to happen and for a new government to come and bring change,” Siyala said.

Not far away, at a more traditional cafe next to a Roman ruin, several older men also want to talk politics. Mohammed al-Hadi bin-Noba says many Libyans don’t really understand what they are voting for. But he says in a way that doesn’t matter. “The election is of secondary importance compared with the blood that has been spilled to make the revolution a success,” he said.

There are still concerns about security, amid tribal clashes, fighting among militias formed for the revolution, and regional disputes about power sharing. An Amnesty International report this week says those problems must be brought under control.

British analyst Anthony Skinner, at the Maplecroft risk assessment firm, shares the concern, but he told VOA via Skype the overall trajectory in Libya is positive.

“It’s inevitable that these various groups will want to ensure that their interests are protected. And they will continue to jockey for power. And unfortunately because of the level of armament and because the various militias have not been absorbed into the military, this will translate into further gun battles, I expect,” Skinner said.

But the problems are far from the minds of this family having a day out in Tripoli.

Dr. Mohammed Reda Mangoos and his wife Naima Al-Taher are excited about the vote, and the doctor remembers Libya’s last free election in 1952. “That day, I was about six years old. I still remember, like a dream. There was voting in my city. I still remember, like a dream. Now, we are proud to see this again,” Mangoos said.

“It’s enough for us that we see all the posters of the candidates all around, colors and faces from all kinds of personalities. It used to be just one picture of one man filled the whole area. You didn’t see anyone but Gadhafi,” Al-Taher said.

There are more than 140 parties and small factions campaigning for the election, and hundreds of independent candidates. Islamists are expected to do well, as is a secular group of officials who were involved in last year’s transition. But Libyans from all walks of life say the country will plot a moderate course regardless of who is elected.

from:  http://www.voanews.com/content/libya-election/1364144.html


Libya declared its independence on December 24th, 1951 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libya

December 24th, 1951

December 24th

12 + 24 +2+0+1+1 = 40 = Libya’s personal year (from December 24th, 2011 to December 23rd, 2012) = The common good.  Neighbors.  Neighborhoods.  Communities.

Page of Cups Tarot card

40 year + 6 (June) = 46 = Libya’s personal month (from June 24th, 2012 to July 23rd, 2012) = Historic.  Making history.

Six of Cups Tarot card

46 month + 7 (7th of the month on Saturday July 7th, 2012) = 53 = Libya’s personal day = Principles.  Heated discussions.

Knight of Swords Tarot card





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October 31, 2011

Libya’s provisional leaders named an engineer as its new prime minister Monday, taking the first step toward assembling a new transitional government after the killing of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi and the formal end to the uprising that ended his nearly 42 years in power.

Libya’s Transitional National Council said Monday that its members voted to name as prime minister Abdel Rahim el-Keeb, whom officials described as an electronics engineer and Qaddafi critic who spent most of his career abroad. For the purposes of Libyan politics, however, Mr. Keeb is considered a resident of the western city of Tripoli, the capital, offering regional balance to the interim president, Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, who is from the east.

Mr. Keeb did not play any conspicuous role in the revolt against Colonel Qaddafi, but leaders of the revolt from Tripoli, the Western mountains and the coastal city of Misurata cheered his selection. He succeeds Mahmoud Jibril, who announced his resignation after the capture of Tripoli. Anti-Qaddafi forces from Misurata had led a drive to oust Mr. Jibril, in part because he had worked for about five years as head of an economic development office under Mr. Qaddafi.

Mr. Keeb “starts with a clean slate,” said Mohamed Benrasali, a spokesman for the local council governing Misurata. “He will not be troubled by his past, unlike Mr. Jibril.”

Under a “constitutional declaration” issued by the Transitional National Council, Mr. Keeb is expected to form a cabinet that will run the government until the election of a national assembly in about eight months. He was named on the same day that NATO’s general secretary, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, visited Tripoli to mark the last day of the organization’s mission here, which formally ended Monday at midnight. “We acted to protect you,” Mr. Rasmussen said in speech at the Rixos Hotel, once the hub of Colonel Qaddafi’s propaganda machine. “Together we succeeded. Libya is finally free.”

from:  http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/01/world/africa/libya-names-abdel-rahim-el-keeb-as-premier.html?_r=1&ref=africa&cid=nlc-dailybrief-daily_news_brief-link11-20111101


Monday October 31st, 2011

October 31st, 2011

10 + 31 +2+0+1+1 = 45 = Intense.  Focused.  Realistic expectations.  This is going to be tough.




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File:Mustafa Abdul Jalil.jpg

Sunday October 23, 2011     1:35 PM

Libya’s transitional leader declared his country’s liberation Sunday after an 8-month civil war and set out plans for the future with an Islamist tone. The announcement was clouded, however, by international pressure to explain how ousted dictator Moammar Gadhafi had been captured alive days earlier, then ended up dead from a gunshot to his head shortly afterward.

Gadhafi’s death in circumstances that are still unclear, and the gruesome spectacle of his body laid out as a trophy in a commercial freezer and on public view, are testing the new Libyan leaders’ commitment to the rule of law. Even at the ceremony to declare liberation, two speakers in positions of authority essentially said Gadhafi got what he deserved.

But transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, who made the keynote speech, did not mention the events surrounding Gadhafi’s end and called on his people to eschew hatred.

“You should only embrace honesty, patience, and mercy,” Abdul-Jalil told the crowd at the declaration ceremony in the eastern city of Benghazi, the birthplace of the uprising against Gadhafi. He urged Libyans to reconcile their differences.

And he laid out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying Islamic Sharia law would be the “basic source” of legislation and existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing guns in the air, but rather to chant “Allahu Akbar,” or God is Great. He then stepped aside from the podium and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks.

Using Sharia as the main source of legislation is stipulated in the constitution of neighboring Egypt. Still, Egyptian laws remain largely secular as Sharia does not cover all aspects of modern day life.

The uprising against Gadhafi erupted in February as part of anti-government revolts spreading across the Middle East. Neighboring Tunisia, which put the so-called Arab Spring in motion with mass protests nearly a year ago, has taken the biggest step on the path to democracy, voting for a new assembly Sunday in its first truly free elections. Egypt, which has struggled with continued unrest, is next with parliamentary elections slated for November.

Libya’s struggle has been the bloodiest so far in the region. Mass protests quickly turned into a civil war that killed thousands and paralyzed the country for the past eight months. Gadhafi’s hometown of Sirte was the last loyalist stronghold to fall last week, but Gadhafi’s son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, apparently escaped with some of his supporters.

Abdul-Jalil paid tribute to the Gulf Cooperation Council, a six-nation alliance led by Saudi Arabia, the Arab League and the European Union. NATO, which aided the anti-Gadhafi fighters with airstrikes, performed its task with “efficiency and professionalism,” he added.

President Barack Obama congratulated Libyans on the declaration.

“After four decades of brutal dictatorship and eight months of deadly conflict, the Libyan people can now celebrate their freedom and the beginning of a new era of promise,” he said.

from:  http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/transitional-leader-declares-libyan-liberation/2011/10/23/gIQA7sNy9L_story.html


using the number/letter grid:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


A = 1 J = 1 S = 1

B = 2 K = 2 T = 2

C = 3 L = 3 U = 3

D = 4 M = 4 V = 4

E = 5 N = 5 W = 5

F = 6 O = 6 X = 6

G = 7 P = 7 Y = 7

H = 8 Q = 8 Z = 8

I = 9 R = 9



Mustafa Abdul-Jalil

4312161 12433 11393      48


his path of destiny = 48 = Goals.  Direction.  Purpose.  Meaning.




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People stand in line to see the body of former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in Misrata.

Oct 22, 2011     7:43 AM ET

Libya’s interim rulers say they will declare the liberation of Libya on Sunday, three days after deposed dictator Moammar Gadhafi was killed.

Officials from the governing National Transitional Council (NTC) said the announcement would be made in the eastern city of Benghazi, the revolution’s birthplace, a day later than originally planned. No reason was given for the 24-hour delay.

In a separate development, interim Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril said Libyans should be allowed to vote within eight months to elect a national council that would draft a new constitution and form an interim government.

Jibril made that announcement Saturday as he attended the World Economic Forum in Jordan. He also said he expects to step down on Saturday, reiterating a promise he made earlier in the month.

Meanwhile, the BBC reported an NTC official as saying Saturday that Gadhafi’s body has undergone a post-mortem examination and will be handed over to his surviving family. However, Al Jazeera reported NTC officials as saying earlier that no autopsy would be needed, despite questions still swirling around official accounts of his death.

The UN human rights office says it’s concerned he was summarily executed after his capture Thursday on the outskirts of his hometown Sirte, two months after he was driven from power and into hiding.

In one cellphone video recording the chaos that followed Gadhafi’s capture, he is seen wiping blood away from his head. There seems to be no wound in that video. In a second video, there is a bullet wound in the same spot on his head, raising speculation he was shot execution-style.


NTC leaders have said Gadhafi, 69, was shot in the head when he was “caught in the crossfire” between his supporters and new regime fighters soon after he was pulled from a culvert where he had been hiding.

The CBC’s Derek Stoffel, reporting from Tripoli Saturday, said amateur video taken by opposition fighters is raising red flags for human rights groups, but “Libyans mostly don’t care how he died.”

“I’ve been speaking to many here who say after 42 years of his rule he deserved what he got, although there are some who say they would have liked ot have seen a trial for the crimes he carried out against the Libyan people,” Stoffel said.

Lineups to see body

Omar Turbi, an American advisor to the National Transitional Council, says Libyans are looking forward, not backward.

“The feeling is everybody’s happy. there are no considerations for legal ramifications [regarding] how he died because of all the vengeance and all the built-up feelings toward Gadhafi. It doesn’t matter how he died. It’s the end of an era that has been a horrible history of Libya,” Turbi said.

Opposition forces stepped up the search for Gadhafi after they swept into Tripoli and seized control of most of the oil-rich North African nation.

Their campaign was stalled by fierce resistance by Gadhafi loyalists in Sirte, Bani Walid and pockets in the south.

Gadhafi’s body had become somewhat of a tourist attraction. It was being held in a freezer in a shopping mall in Misrata, east of Tripoli, as the debate continues over what to do with his remains.

People crowded into long lines to get a chance to view the body, which was laid out on a mattress.

The body of Gadhafi’s son, Mutassim, had been moved from another location in Misrata and placed next to his dead father, along with the body of Abu Bakr Younis Jabr, who led Gadhafi’s armed forces. They, too, were killed near Sirte.

Mohamed Sayeh, a senior member of the NTC, on Friday said Moammar Gadhafi’s body will be buried according to Islamic tradition, but the funeral will not be public.

from:  http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2011/10/22/libya-saturday.html


Sunday October 23rd, 2011

October 23rd, 2011

10 + 23 +2+0+1+1 = 37 = Libya’s life lesson = what Libya is here to learn with its independence = Heartfelt.  Heart-centered leadership.  My fellow countrymen.  Doing it for your country.  Just looking out for the best interest of everyone.


October 23rd, 2011

10 + 23 = 33 = Libya’s core number = Courage.  Valor.  Bravery.  Loyalty.  Taking a stand.  Standing up for themselves.



October 23rd, 2011

23 +2+0+1+1 = 27 = Libya’s “secret” number = Groundbreaking.  The first.  Wiping the slate clean.  A fresh start.  Need to take the initiative and actually follow through.


October 23rd, 2011

10 + 23 +2+0+1+1 = 37  = Libya’s personal year (from October 23rd, 2011 to October 22nd, 2012) = Heartfelt. Heart-centered leadership. My fellow countrymen. Doing it for your country. Just looking out for the best interest of everyone.


37 year + 10 (October) = 47 = Libya’s personal month (from October 23rd, 2011 to November 22nd, 2011) = Famous. Name & fame. Notoriety. Name recognition. (Inter)nationally known. High profile. VIP’s. Well-known. Household name. Public life. Limelight. Legendary. Notable. Noteworthy. Eminent. Prominent. Legacy. The future. Tomorrow. Foresight. Visionary. Modernization.

47 month + 23 (23rd of the month on Sunday October 23rd, 2011) = 70 = Libya’s personal day = Flexibility.  Coping.  Handling change.





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October 20, 2011      1405 GMT

For 42 years, Moammar Gadhafi ruled Libya with an iron fist, a mercurial leader who inspired fear in Libya and beyond.

But for the past two months he has been on the run, hunted by rebels who made a lightning advance into Tripoli. The rebels overran Gadhafi’s compound and scoured the country for signs of the leader.

He stayed out of sight for two months, broadcasting occasional defiant messages by radio and television, but on Thursday, Libya erupted in celebratory gunfire and the honking of horns at unconfirmed reports that he had been killed.

The country’s new information minister, Mahmoud Shamman, told CNN that Gadhafi was killed in an attack Thursday. Shamman said the NTC’s chairman or prime minister would officially confirm the death later in the day.

Gadhafi’s death would be a dramatic end to the career of the strongman who came to power in a bloodless coup against King Idris in 1969, when he was just an army captain.

By the end of his rule this year, Gadhafi claimed to be “King of Kings,” a title he had a gathering of tribal leaders grant him in 2008.

The fighting that dislodged Gadhafi started with anti-government demonstrations in February and escalated into a nationwide civil war. The protests started days after the fall of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, whom Gadhafi had supported. That month, Gadhafi vowed to never leave Libya and to “die as a martyr at the end.”

For months, rebel fighters — in control of the eastern city of Benghazi and other areas — had been trying to move closer toward Tripoli, in the west. Over the summer they cut off some key supply routes for Gadhafi, bringing them closest yet to their goal, and by August 21, they had broken through into the capital.

The following morning, raucous rebel supporters packed the city’s Green Square, the same place where the longtime leader’s supporters had gathered for months to voice their loyalty. The next day, Gadhafi’s Bab al-Aziziya compound was being ransacked.

When Gadhafi assumed power, he fashioned himself as an Arab nationalist. The United States tried to work with him at first, but quickly found out that his brand of nationalism included opposition to the West.

By 1972 he was urging Muslims to fight Western powers, including the United States and Great Britain, and backing black militants in the United States as he pursued a leadership position in the Arab world. His “Green Book,” first published in 1975, envisioned a radically simple system of “People’s Conferences” that would replace political structures from tribes to parliaments.

Arab leaders largely shunned him, seeing him more as a “buffoon” and a “clown” than a potential pan-Arab leader, said Dirk J. Vandewalle, a Libya expert at Dartmouth University.

That rejection from Arab and African leaders, combined with his growing anti-Western sentiment, left him to turn to terrorism in the 1970s and 1980s, Vandewalle said.

In 1986, Libya was implicated in the fatal bombing at a West Berlin nightclub that left one American service member dead, prompting then-U.S. President Ronald Reagan to dub the Libyan leader the “mad dog of the Middle East.” Reagan ordered the United States to bomb Libya and imposed economic sanctions against the North African country.

Two years later, Libya was implicated in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, which exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland.

Years later, Gadhafi appeared to moderate and seek rapprochement with the West. In 1999, he turned over suspects in the Lockerbie bombing, and in 2003 the country agreed to eliminate weapons of mass destruction.

In the years before the current rebellion started, Gadhafi even hired a public relations firm to burnish his global image as a statesman and a reformer. Starting in 2006, the leader spent about $3 million a year to execute a public relations strategy that included paying think-tank analysts and former government officials to take a free trip to Libya for lectures, discussions and personal meetings with Gadhafi.

In 2009, he addressed the U.N. General Assembly for the first and only time. In his 96-minute ramble, he denounced the Security Council as a “terror council,” suggested the H1N1 swine-flu virus was a military tool and called for renewed investigations into the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Earlier this year, as people around the Middle East and North Africa began to challenge their leaders in the so-called Arab Spring movement, Gadhafi found himself a target. But while longtime Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was ousted after a few weeks, and even after the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi fell to the rebels, Gadhafi fought on and blamed outsiders, “armed gangs” and others for the violence.

In the end, the Libyan leader sealed his reputation with his crackdown on protesters and attacks against rebels and civilians alike.

International leaders accused Gadhafi’s regime of committing human rights violations and killing civilians. The U.N. Security Council subsequently issued a no-fly zone over Libya and approved “all necessary measures” short of invasion to protect civilians. Officials in the Gadhafi regime, in turn, repeatedly accused NATO of killing civilians in airstrikes.

In April, Gadhafi wrote a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama, urging him to end the NATO bombing of his war-torn country. Gadhafi asked Obama to stop what he called the “unjust war against a small people of a developing country,” adding that those in the opposition are terrorists and members of al Qaeda.

The NATO operations continued, however. In June, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Gadhafi, his son Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, and his brother-in-law Abdullah al-Sanussi. The warrants are “for crimes against humanity,” including murder and persecution, “allegedly committed across Libya” from February 15 through “at least” February 28, “through the state apparatus and security forces,” the court said in a statement.

However, the National Transitional Council now governing Libya never promised to hand Gadhafi over to the ICC to stand trial.

from:  http://edition.cnn.com/2011/10/20/world/africa/libya-gadhafi-profile/?hpt=wo_t2


The vice chairman of Libya’s National Transitional Council confirmed that ousted leader Muammar Gaddafi had been killed on Friday and said the interim government would announce the liberation of Libya “within hours.”

That would be a landmark announcement, after which the interim government has said it would begin the transition to democracy in the North African state ruled by Gaddafi with an iron fist for 42 years until August.

“We announce to the world that Muammar Gaddafi has been killed at the hands of the revolutionaries,” Abdul Hafiz Ghoga told a news conference in Benghazi. “We will announce the liberation of Libya within hours, maybe sooner.”

from:  http://uk.reuters.com/article/2011/10/20/uk-libya-gaddafi-ghoga-idUKTRE79J43C20111020


Muammar Gaddafi was born on June 7th, 1942 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muammar_Gaddafi

June 7th, 1942

June 7th

6 + 7 +2+0+1+1 = 17 = his personal year (from June 7th, 2011 to June 6th, 2012) = Be realistic.  People are inspired.

17 year + 10 (October) = 27 = his personal month (from October 7th, 2011 to November 6th, 2011) = Extreme bursts of enthusiasm.

27 month + 20 (20th of the month on Thursday October 20th, 2011) = 47 = his personal day = Notoriety. Name recognition. Internationally known. High profile. Well-known. Household name. Public life. Legacy. Infamy.


using the number/letter grid:
1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9



Muammar Gaddafi

4314419 7144169       58


his path of destiny = 58 = Shunning.  Ostracized.  Outcast.  Banishment.  Enforced isolation.  Civil unrest.




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Belhadj spoke last week to Al Jazeera

August 29th, 2011 – 22:08

For U.S. intelligence services, the man who led the rebel assault on Tripoli, and is now the de facto military governor of the capital, is an old acquaintance. The CIA had tracked down the accused jihadist, and eventually captured him in Malaysia in 2003. The agency is believed to have then transferred him, in total silence, to a “top secret” prison in Bangkok.

At that time, Abdel Hakim Belhadj, identified under the name of Abu Abdallah al-Sadek, born May 1, 1966, was already known for his long history as a jihad operative. This career began in 1988 in Afghanistan, like many other Islamist activists.

However if the CIA wanted him, it’s first because he was one of the founders, and even the “emir” of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a small highly radical organization, which prior to Sept. 11 had two secret training camps in Afghanistan. The CIA was extremely interested in one of them, Shahid Cheikh Abu Yahya, about 19 miles north of Kabul, where the LIFG welcomed volunteers who had links with Al Qaeda.

Osama Bin Laden’s organization had many Libyans among its leading members, including Abu al-Laith al-Libi, one of Al-Qaeda’s military chiefs who was killed in Afghanistan in 2008. In 2007, the LIFG was given the seal of approval by Ayman al Zawahiri, then Al-Qaeda’s number two, and current successor of Bin Laden at the helm of the network. The LIFG then called on Libyans to rebel against Gaddafi, the U.S. and the other “infidels” of the West.

After Afghanistan, Belhadj traveled to Pakistan and Iraq. In Iraq, where the Libyans are the second most numerous group of Islamist volunteers after the Saudis, he was said to be close to Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, Al-Qaeda’s chief in that country until his death in 2006. In Bangkok, in 2004, after having long been questioned and possibly tortured by the CIA, he was handed over to the Libyan secret services.

From jail to uprising

In 2009, the Libyan regime, under the direction of Saif al-Islam, Gaddafi’s son and heir apparent, initiated an unexpected policy of reconciliation with the LIFG. The leaders of the group then published a 417-page document called “the corrective studies” (in French “les études correctrices”), in which they stated that holy war against Gaddafi was outlawed, since it was only allowed in Muslim countries that had been invaded (Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine).

The document may have been a way to avoid further torture. Nevertheless, it eventually allowed Belhadj to get out of prison — and he didn’t keep his word for long. Indeed, he joined the rebel forces and took the lead of the movement in western Libya to lead them to victory in Tripoli.

Has Belhadj distanced himself from Al-Qaeda? It’s a thorny question when considering that the man has already perjured himself twice. It’s difficult not to see him involved in the recent murder of former Ministry of Interior Abdul Fatah Younis who had rejoined the rebels. According to a Libyan expert, the explanation is rather clear. “Younis used to lead the special forces and he conducted a merciless battle against the LIFG between 1990 and 1995 in eastern Libya.”

It is thus no accident that former members of the LIFG now hold the most important military jobs: Belhadj in Tripoli, Ismail al-Salabi in Benghazi, Abdel Hakim al-Assadi in Derna. Among the members of the Libyan National Transitional Council, one can find Ali Salabi. In 2009, on behalf of Saif al-Islam, he was the one who handled negotiations on the release of LIFG prisoners in exchange for them renoucing armed operations. Events in Libya have come full circle indeed!

from:  http://www.worldcrunch.com/top-libyan-rebel-leader-has-deep-al-qaeda-ties/3661


Abdelhakim Belhadj was born on May 1st, 1966

May 1st, 1966

5 + 1 +1+9+6+6 = 28 = his life lesson = what he is here to learn = Bold.  Daring.  Unstoppable.  Overcoming obstacles.


May 1st, 1966

May 1st

5 + 1 +2+0+1+1 = 10 = his personal year (from May 1st, 2011 to May 1st, 2012) = Opportunities.  Prosperity.  Coincidences (God-incidences).  Synchronicities.  Serendipity.  Destiny.  Fortune.  Fate.  Circumstances.  Setting.  Placement.  Timing.  Fortunate.  Boons.  Predestination.  Go with the flow.  Opportunity knocks.  Seize the opportunity.  Window of opportunity.  There is a time and place for everything.  Take your chances.  Things fall into place.  Destiny is not a matter of chance, it’s a matter of choice.  When luck offers a finger, one must take the whole hand.  You’ll never know your luck ’til the wheel stops.  What’s bad luck for one is good luck for another.  A turn for the better/worse.  Ups and downs.  You win some, you lose some.  Twist of fate.  Reversal of fortune.  Easy come, easy go.  Luck and bad luck are driving in the same sledge.

10 year + 9 (September) = 19 = his personal month (for September 2011) = Beaming.  Vitality.  Life force.  Achievement.  Attainment.  Accomplishment.  Hard earned success.  Enduring.  It’s my time to shine.  Front and center.  Achieving success.  Long lasting.  Make hay while the sun shines.  Sunshine is the best disinfectant.  Seeing the light of day.




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Eman al-Obeidi addresses journalists in Tripoli's Rixos Hotel in March
2 June 2011 Last updated at 18:30 ET

Eman al-Obeidi, the Libyan woman who
claimed to have been raped by supporters of Col Muammar Gaddafi, has been
deported from Qatar to eastern Libya, UN officials say.

A spokesman for the Libyan rebels said she had arrived in the city of
Benghazi and was “welcome to stay”.

Ms Obeidi had sought refuge in Qatar after arriving there from Tunisia.

The reason for her deportation is not clear. The UN says it runs contrary to
international law.

“She is a recognised refugee and we don’t consider there is any good reason
for her deportation,” Sybella Wilkes of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) told the
Associated Press.

Human Right Watch (HRW)
also protested against the move

“Forcibly returning a refugee who survived gang rape not only violates
international law, but is cruel and could trigger further trauma,” said HRW’s
Bill Frelick.

“All eyes are now on the authorities in eastern Libya, who should allow
al-Obeidi to leave the country.”

A witness quoted by HRW said Qatari officials had taken Ms Obeidi from her
hotel room on Wednesday night and forced her and her visiting parents to board a
flight on Thursday to Benghazi.

Benghazi is the stronghold of rebel forces who are trying to oust Col

Rebel spokesman Jalal el-Gallal told AP: “She is welcome to stay, this is her

Dragged awayUS state department spokesman Mark Toner said Washington was “monitoring the

In March, Ms Obeidi rushed into Tripoli’s Rixos Hotel where foreign
correspondents are based and shouted out her story of being stopped at a
checkpoint, dragged away and gang raped by soldiers.

As reporters recorded her story, government minders grabbed her and dragged
her away.

She vanished for several days before turning up in Tunisia.

Ms Obeidi said she had escaped with the help of defecting military

from:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13636792


using the number/letter grid:

1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9

Eman al-Obeidi

5                    9


how she obtains/loses her heart’s desire = EI = 59 = Rape.  Violated.  Martyr.


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30 April 2011 Last updated at 22:00 ET

A Nato air strike in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, has killed the son of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, a government spokesman has said.

Colonel Gaddafi himself was in the large residential villa which was hit by the strike, the spokesman added, but was unharmed.

His son Saif al-Arab was said to be dead, as well as three grandchildren.

Nato has confirmed the air strike, without denying or confirming the reported deaths.

A Nato spokesman said the strike had hit a “known command-and-control building in the Bab al-Aziziya neighbourhood”.

“All Nato’s targets are military in nature… We do not target individuals,” said Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchard in a statement.

He said that he was aware of reports that members of Col Gaddafi’s family had been killed, but made no further comment.

“We regret all loss of life, especially the innocent civilians being harmed as a result of the ongoing conflict,” said Lt-Gen Bouchard.

‘Direct operation’

At the scene


image of Christian Fraser
Christian Fraser BBC News, Tripoli

Earlier this evening we heard three enormous explosions to the west of the city. Normally we are taken to the bomb sites within an hour, but tonight there were a lot of concerned faces around the hotel, a lot of whispering and secrecy.

Two hours later we were eventually brought to the villa, which was surrounded by reinforced concrete, cameras, and military positions. This is clearly an exclusive neighbourhood. Inside, total destruction.

There were signs there had been a family gathering. There were no bodies in the house, they had been removed, and we are reliant on the government’s account of what happened.

It’s hard to imagine that anyone could have escaped unscathed, though according to the government spokesman the Libyan leader and his wife were present and are safe and well. But there’s no independent evidence they were there.

Journalists taken to the site of the air strike said the building was extensively damaged and one unexploded bomb remains at the site.

Saif al-Arab, who had a lower profile than his brother Saif al-Islam, had been studying in Germany and returned to Libya recently.

Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said the villa in which he was killed was attacked “with full power”.

“The attack resulted in the martyrdom of brother Saif al-Arab Muammar Gaddafi, 29 years old, and three of the leader’s grandchildren,” he said.

“The leader with his wife was there in the house with other friends and relatives. The leader himself is in good health – he wasn’t harmed.” Col Gaddafi’s wife was also unharmed, he said.

“This was a direct operation to assassinate the leader of this country,” the spokesman added.

There has been no independent confirmation of the deaths.

‘Law of the jungle’

Libyan rebels began a campaign in mid-February to end more than four decades of rule by Col Gaddafi.

Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim: “Direct operation to assassinate the leader”

Since last month they have been aided by an international coalition acting on a UN mandate to protect Libyan civilians.

Mr Ibrahim said the attack late on Saturday was against international law.

“We ask the world to look into this carefully because what we have now is the law of the jungle,” he said.

“How is this helping in the protection of civilians? Mr Saif al-Arab was a civilian, a student… He was playing and talking to his father and mother and his nieces and nephews and other visitors when he was attacked and killed for no crime he committed.”

An adopted daughter of Col Gaddafi’s was killed in 1986 by a US air strike launched in response to alleged Libyan involvement in the bombing of a Berlin disco frequented by US military personnel.

Mr Ibrahim accused the international coalition conducting air strikes over Libya of not wanting peace.

“We have again and again declared that we are ready for negotiation, ready for road maps for peace, ready for political transitional periods, ready for elections, ready for a referendum.

“Nato does not care to test our promises. The West does not care to test our statements. They only care to rob us of our freedom, our wealth, which is oil, and our right to decide out future as Libyans.”

Gunfire rang out in celebration in the eastern rebel stronghold of Benghazi following the reports that Saif al-Arab Gaddafi had been killed.

‘Violating human rights’

Saturday’s strike came less than a day after a speech by his father was broadcast on state TV, in which Col Gaddafi called for a ceasefire and negotiations.

During his speech the Libyan government reported a Nato air attack on a complex that includes the state TV building, which it said was also designed to kill Col Gaddafi.

Several air strikes against Col Gaddafi’s sprawling Bab al-Aziziya compound have been reported recently.

Earlier this week, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates told reporters that Libyan government command and control centres were “legitimate” targets, although Nato was not targeting Col Gaddafi specifically.

On Saturday, Nato officials said the alliance would not consider talks until government forces stopped attacks on civilians.

The vice-chairman of the Transitional National Council also rejected the offer of negotiations, saying the Libyan leader had “offered ceasefires only to continue violating basic human rights, international humanitarian law, and the safety and security of Libya and the entire region”.

January 1st, 1982
January 1st
1 + 1 +2+0+1+1 = 6 = his personal year for 2011 = Domesticity.
6 = harmony
6 year + 4 (April) = 10 = his personal month for April = Random.  Randomness.  Chance.
10 month + 30 (30th of the month on April 30th, 2011) = 40 = his personal day = Help!

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File:Mohammed Nabbous Portrait.jpg

Saturday 19 March 2011 18.19 GMT

The death has been announced of Mohammad Nabbous, described as the “face of citizen journalism in Libya“.

Nabbous was apparently shot dead by Gaddafi forces in Benghazi on Saturday.

Known as “Mo”, Nabbous set up Libya al-Hurra TV, which broadcast raw feeds and commentary from Benghazi, on Livestream.

Andy Carvin, social media strategist at NPR, said on Twitter: “Mohammad Nabbous was my primary contact in Libya, and the face of Libyan citizen journalism. And now he’s dead, killed in a firefight.”

Sharon Lynch, TV station representative, said: “He touched the hearts of many with his bravery and indomnitable spirit. He will be dearly missed and leaves behind his young wife and unborn child.”

Mohammad Nabbous’s last reportAl Jazeera online journalist Bilal Randeree said on Twitter: “Remember Mohammed Nabbous, known to all as Mo. His mission: to get the news about what’s happening in Libya out to the world.”

His death comes after the shooting of Al-Jazeera cameraman Ali Hassan Al Jaber in an ambush outside Benghazi earlier this week.

A Facebook group has been set up in commemoration of “the man who stayed up night by day to try and spread and get awareness of what’s happening in Libya”.

from:  http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2011/mar/19/mohammad-nabbous-killed-libya


Mohammed Nabbous was born on February 27th, 1983 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammed_Nabbous

2 + 27 +1+9+8+3 = 50 = his life lesson = what he was here to learn = World war.


February 27th, 1983

February 27th

2 + 27 +2+0+1+1 = 33 = his personal year (from February 27th, 2011 to February 26th, 2012) = Bravery.  Courage.

33 + 2 (February) = 35 = his personal month (from February 27th, 2011 to March 26th, 2011) = Imminent.  Threatened.  Warning.

35 month + 19 (19th of the month on Saturday March 19th, 2011) = 54 = his personal day = Live.  On tape.  Video & audio recording.

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24 February 2011 Last updated at 11:32 ET

Col Muammar Gaddafi: ”You should not listen to Bin Laden and his followers”

Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi has told state TV that Osama Bin Laden and his followers are to blame for the protests wracking his country.

In a phone call addressed to residents of the town of al-Zawiya, Col Gaddafi said young people were being duped with drugs and alcohol to take part in “destruction and sabotage”.

Col Gaddafi is battling to shore up control of Tripoli and western areas.

Protesters have been consolidating gains in cities in the east.

Opposition politicians and tribal leaders have held a key meeting in the eastern town of al-Bayda to show a united front against Col Gaddafi.

‘This is your country’

The telephone call addressed al-Zawiya, 50km (30 miles) west of the capital, where there has been renewed gunfire reported in the streets.

Col Gaddafi said the protesters had no genuine demands and were being dictated to by the al-Qaeda leader.

“Bin Laden… this is the enemy who is manipulating people. Do not be swayed by Bin Laden,” he said.

“It is obvious now that this issue is run by al-Qaeda. Those armed youngsters, our children, are incited by people who are wanted by America and the Western world.


“Those inciting are very few in numbers and we have to capture them.”

He said the young protesters were “trigger happy and they shoot especially when they are stoned with drugs”.

He said that Libya was not like Egypt and Tunisia, which have seen their leaders deposed, because the people of Libya had it in their own hands to change their lives through committees.

The fact that Col Gaddafi chose to speak on the telephone to Libyan TV has raised the most serious questions yet over his whereabouts. He gave no indication that he was in the country, whereas on Tuesday he was seen speaking from the ruins of the building in Tripoli bombed by the US in the 1980s.

This latest rant by the Libyan leader has provided the first confirmation of serious fighting to the west of the capital. That could be a clear indication that his powerbase is shrinking, as many observers have speculated. Today’s broadcast was a rallying call to the people of al-Zawiya. Col Gaddafi again played the al-Qaeda card to invoke fear of a possible Islamist insurgency led by supporters of Osama Bin Laden.

The telephone call to state TV ended suddenly as Col Gaddafi hung up. Some will say he remains defiant. Others will interpret the latest utterances as a further show of desperation and instability on the part of the Libyan leader.

“This is your country and it is up to you how to deal with it,” he said.

Calling the situation in al-Zawiya a “farce”, he urged families to rein in their sons, saying many of the protesters were underage and beyond the reach of the law.

But he also vowed that those carrying out violent protests should be put on trial.

This was Col Gaddafi’s second live TV appearance since the protests erupted on 15 February.

On Tuesday he said he would die a martyr in Libya and fight to the “last drop” of his blood. The latest broadcast was a lot shorter – about 20 minutes compared with 75 minutes on Tuesday.

Heavy gunfire has been reported in al-Zawiya and there are reports of a police station on fire.

One civilian leaving through the Tunisian border told Reuters: “It is chaotic there. There are people with guns and swords.”

An eyewitness told Associated Press that soldiers had opened fire on protesters holed up in the city’s Souq Mosque, while a doctor at a field clinic told AP he had seen 10 bodies and 150 wounded people.

Information from Libya remains difficult to verify and many reports cannot be independently confirmed.

Zuara, 120km west of Tripoli, was said to be in the hands of anti-government militias and defence committees of civilians, with no sign of police.

British oil worker Bryan Richards describes scenes of ‘mass hysteria’ at Tripoli Airport (The amateur video accompanying this interview is purportedly recent footage of the scene in Libya)

Fighting is reported between pro- and anti-government forces in Misrata, Libya’s third-biggest city, 200km east of Tripoli.

Pro-Gaddafi forces are said to have also launched attacks in Sabratha and Sabha.

But Tripoli, under government control, and cities in the east, held by the protesters, are generally said to be calm.

In Benghazi, protesters were building defences against a possible counterattack by pro-Gaddafi forces.

Oil prices climb

Opposition tribal leaders and politicians met in al-Bayda in the east to demonstrate a united front against Col Gaddafi in one of the first signs of organisation for a bigger fight against the government.

Help for UK nationals

  • The Foreign Office is advising against all but essential travel to Libya
  • UK nationals in Libya wishing to get on the charter flight are advised to call the following numbers:
  • 020 7008 0000 from the UK or 021 3403644/45 from within Libya

Pictures broadcast by al-Jazeera showed delegates giving speeches in a conference hall, amid loud chants against Col Gaddafi.

Former justice minister, Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, who recently resigned in protest at the violence against anti-government demonstrators, said there would be no talks with the Libyan leader and called for him to step down immediately.

The total number of deaths has been impossible to determine. Human Rights Watch says it has confirmed nearly 300 deaths, but the International Federation for Human Rights says at least 700 people have been killed, while Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said estimates of 1,000 dead were “credible”.

Masses of foreigners are still struggling to leave Libya with the situation at Tripoli airport described as mayhem.

Briton Helena Sheehan, arriving back in London, said: “The airport is like nothing I’ve ever seen in my whole life. It’s absolute chaos. There’s just thousands and thousands of people trying to get out.”

Oil prices have hit their highest levels in two-and-a-half years.

Brent crude hit $119.79 (£74.08) a barrel in early Thursday trade, before falling back to $115.04. Oil firms – including Total, Repsol, OMV and Wintershall – have been suspending all or part of their production in Libya this week.

from:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-12570279


Muammar Gaddafi was born on June 7th, 1942

June 7th, 1942

June 7th

6 + 7 +2+0+1+0 = 16 = his personal year (from June 7th, 2010 to June 6th, 2011) = Shocks.  Suprises.  Unpredictable.  Expect the unexpected.  Anything can happen.


US destroyer USS Barry launches Tomahawk missiles on Libya (19 March 2011)

19 March 2011 Last updated at 21:14 ET

The UK, US and France have attacked Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi’s forces in the first action to enforce a UN-mandated no-fly zone.

Pentagon officials say the US and the UK have fired more than 110 missiles, while French planes struck pro-Gaddafi forces attacking rebel-held Benghazi.

Col Gaddafi has vowed retaliation and said he will open arms depots to the people to defend Libya.

Missiles struck air defence sites in the capital, Tripoli, and Misrata.

A French plane fired the first shots against Libyan government targets at 1645 GMT, destroying a number of military vehicles, according to a military spokesman.

UK Prime Minister David Cameron confirmed that British planes are in action over Libya.


image of Paul Adams Paul Adams BBC News, Washington

Despite the fact that it was French war planes which launched the first attacks, it’s clear that this early phase of the operations is an overwhelmingly American affair – all but a very small number of cruise missiles have been fired from American ships and submarines.

Only they have the capability to inflict the sort of damage to Libya’s air defences that’s needed before a no-fly zone can be safely patrolled, a point alluded to by President Obama even as he repeated the limits of American involvement.

President Obama has launched these attacks with great reluctance and seems anxious that this not be interpreted as yet another American-led foray into the Arab world.

But for all his desire to be seen to take a back seat, he and everyone else knows that this sort of thing doesn’t happen unless Washington is deeply involved.

US President Barack Obama, speaking during a visit to Brazil, said the US was taking “limited military action” as part of a “broad coalition”.

“We cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people there will be no mercy,” he said.

He repeated that no US ground troops would take part.

After the missile bombardment and the air strikes, Col Gaddafi made a brief speech calling on people to resist.

“Civilian and military targets in the air and sea will be liable to serious danger in the Mediterranean,” he said.

“Arms depots are now open and the masses are being equipped with all sorts of weapons in defence of Libya’s independence, unity and honour,” the Libyan leader warned.

Later, state TV said 48 people were killed and 150 wounded in the attacks. There was no independent confirmation of the statement.


Britain’s Ministry of Defence said a British submarine and a number of Tornado jets fired missiles at Libyan military targets.

Mr Cameron said that launching military action against Libya was “necessary, legal and right”.

Libyan state TV reported that what it called the “crusader enemy” had bombed civilian areas of Tripoli, as well as fuel storage tanks supplying the western city of Misrata.

Sources in Tripoli told BBC Arabic that the attacks on the city had so far targeted the eastern areas of Sawani, Airport Road, and Ghasheer. These are all areas believed to host military bases.

After midnight on Sunday, heavy bursts of anti-aircraft fire arced into the sky above Tripoli and several explosions were heard.

The strikes on Misrata targeted a military airbase, the Reuters news agency reported, quoting two residents who denied the state TV reports that fuel stores were hit.

Allied forces

  • UK: Providing Typhoon and Tornado jet fighters; surveillance planes; HMS Westminster and HMS Cumberland; submarines
  • France: Carried out mission with at least 12 warplanes including Mirage fighters and Rafale jets; deploying aircraft carrier, warships
  • US: Firing guided missiles from USS Barry and USS Stout; providing amphibious warships, and command-and-control ship USS Mount Whitney
  • Italy: Nato base at Naples understood to be central hub; other Mediterranean bases made available
  • Canada: Providing six F-18 fighter jets and 140 personnel

The cruise missiles were fired from one British submarine and a number of American destroyers and subs, said a Pentagon official.

The missiles hit more than 20 air defence sites along the Mediterranean coast, said Navy Vice Adm William E Gortney.

The action came hours after Western and Arab leaders met in Paris to agree how to enforce the UN resolution, which allows “all necessary measures” to protect civilians from forces loyal to Col Gaddafi.

Benghazi battle

Earlier on Saturday, pro-Gaddafi forces attacked Benghazi despite declaring a ceasefire a day earlier.

Reports from the city said that government tanks and artillery had bombarded the city and there was fighting around the university.

Rebels in the city said thousands of people were fleeing the attack, heading east, and the UN refugee agency said it was preparing to receive 200,000 refugees from Libya.

Journalists later said the bombardment ended in the later afternoon and that rebel forces were in control of Benghazi.

The Libyan government blamed the rebels for breaking the ceasefire and said its forces had fought back in self defence.

French planes are reported to have hit government tanks and armoured vehicles around Benghazi.

French planes also flew reconnaissance missions over “all Libyan territory”, military sources in Paris said earlier.

In addition, Canada is sending warplanes to the region, while Italy has offered the use of its military bases. A naval blockade against Libya is also being put in place.

The international community was intervening to stop the “murderous madness” of Col Gaddafi, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said.

“In Libya, the civilian population, which is demanding nothing more than the right to choose their own destiny, is in mortal danger,” he warned. “It is our duty to respond to their anguished appeal.”

Shortly after the airstrikes began, Libyan state TV said a French plane had been shot down near Tripoli. However, French military officials said all their planes had returned safely.

Col Gaddafi has ruled Libya for more than 40 years. An uprising against him began last month after long-time leaders of neighbouring Tunisia and Egypt were toppled.

Libya airstrikes map

from:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-12796972


Libya was born on December 24, 1951 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libya#Independence_and_the_Kingdom_of_Libya_1951.E2.80.931969

December 24th, 1951

December 24th

12 + 24 +2+0+1+0 = 39 = Libya’s personal year (from December 24th, 2010 to December 23rd, 2011) = The story is only half told when one side tells it. 

39 year + 2 (February) = 41 = Libya’s personal month (from February 24th, 2011 to March 23rd, 2011) = Viability.  Opening up.

41 month + 19 (19th of the month on Saturday March 19th, 2011) = 60 = Libya’s personal day = Outsiders.  Foreigners.  Foreign involvement.

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