
Posts Tagged ‘News Corporation’

Monday December 3, 2012               8:45am EST

News Corp named Robert Thomson as the chief executive of its new publishing company.

News Corp said in June it would separate its publishing and entertainment assets in response to shareholders who had pressed it to get rid of its troubled newspaper business.

Thomson is currently managing editor of the Wall Street Journal and editor-in-chief of its publisher Dow Jones & Co.

from:  http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/12/03/us-news-corp-ceo-idUSBRE8B20JP20121203


Robert Thomson was born on March 11th, 1961 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_James_Thomson

March 11th, 1961

3 + 11 +1+9+6+1 = 31 = his life lesson = Competitive.  Controversial.  Scandals.  Things get out of hand.  Stirring things up.

Five of Wands Tarot card





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Monday, May 14, 8:30 AM

Yahoo is now looking for its fourth chief executive since September, after the company announced Sunday that chief executive Scott Thompson had left.

Holding down the fort at the company now is Ross Levinsohn, the firm’s head of global media, who is serving as interim CEO.

Levinsohn has been with Yahoo since 2010, when former chief executive Carol Bartz appointed him to lead the Yahoo Americas region, which include North, Central and South America.

Before that, Levinsohn was at Fox Interactive Media, where he took the lead on acquiring MySpace for News Corp. in a $580 million deal, All Things Digital reported. He has also worked at AltaVista, CBS Sportsline and HBO.

A seasoned ad executive, Levinsohn was on many analysts’ short lists to lead Yahoo after Bartz was fired in September. Thompson was considered a dark horse candidate, given his lack of media or advertising experience.

On Monday, several analysts (and unnamed sources cited in the Wall Street Journal) said that Levinsohn could be playing for keeps, using his time as interim CEO to audition for the permanent job.

Looking outside the company for Thompson’s replacement wouldn’t help Yahoo’s internal morale, and Levinsohn’s work experience aligns well with the priorities of Yahoo’s new board members, picked by outside investor Third Point. Levinsohn was one of two possible candidates for interim CEO named by the hedge fund in a letter demanding Thompson’s ouster after it learned that Thompson had listed a nonexistent degree in computer science in his biographical information and Yahoo papers.

Levinsohn has a bachelor of arts in communications from American University, according to his Yahoo profile.

from:  http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/yahoo-who-is-ross-levinsohn/2012/05/14/gIQAnCOgOU_story.html?tid=pm_business_pop


using the number/letter grid:

1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9



Ross Levinsohn

9611 354951685           63


his path of destiny = 63 = What a relief.

Nine of Swords Tarot card




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Olivia Harris / Reuters

May 1, 2012

Louise Mensch has a lot to say about the British media and as with many of her opinions she’s quick to share. “I think it’s clear that there needs to be a change,” she says decisively, sitting in the courtyard of Portcullis House, the office building for MPs adjacent to London’s Houses of Parliament. “A self-regulating press simply didn’t work. And we saw that as a result of the phone-hacking inquiry.”

The inquiry she’s referring to, of course, is the one led by the parliament’s Culture, Media and Sport committee, of which Mensch is member. Last summer, after the phone-hacking scandal engulfed News Corporation’s The News of the World, the committee was tasked with interrogating the company’s top executives, including Rupert Murdoch, James Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks, to determine if illegal activity had been intentionally concealed.

(LIST: Who’s Who in the U.K. Phone-Hacking Scandal)

The committee’s latest report was released on May 1. Senior figures from News Corp., such as former chief executive Les Hinton and former The News of the World editor Colin Myler, were excoriated for misleading Parliament on the phone-hacking scandal, while James Murdoch was slammed for not investigating the issue more thoroughly. And the report found his father to have been willfully blind to the hacking, concluding that “Rupert Murdoch is not a fit person to exercise the stewardship of a major international company.”

That was a conclusion that Mensch and her fellow Conservatives on the cross-party committee did not share. The Tory members of the committee all voted against the report but stated that they were satisfied with it apart from the conclusion on Murdoch’s ability to run his company — a line, Mensch claimed during a press conference, that was “stuck in on the basis of no evidence presented to the committee, whatsoever.” While it may seem like a case of party politics, Mensch maintains that when put before the House of Commons on who intentionally misled parliament, the committee will be unified in its decision. Still, Mensch’s refusal to take a hard line against Murdoch seems somewhat surprising considering her previous statements at the inquiry.

The inquiry, which was televised live, wasn’t short on drama — and Mensch was right in the middle of it. Americans most likely remember her claim that Piers Morgan, the CNN anchor and former British tabloid editor, had detailed the media’s use of phone hacking in his memoir. (She later apologized to Morgan, saying she’d “misread” the quotation.) Those in Britain, meanwhile, were struck by the way Mensch, a relatively new backbencher in David Cameron’s Conservative party, had quickly become one of the inquiry’s most persistent interrogators. At one point, she asked News Corp. founder Rupert Murdoch if he had considered stepping down as “the captain of the ship” that had broken the law. When he said that he hadn’t, she responded with a cold and measured, “Why not?” Her assertiveness garnered much media attention in the U.K. The Daily Telegraph praised her “determination” in pursuing answers and the Economist dubbed her a “surprise star.”

(MORE: Blame Game: Rupert Murdoch Alleges Cover-Up At News of the World)

Louise Bagshawe was born in 1971 — two years after Murdoch first acquired News of the World — and was educated like most British politicians at private boarding schools and later at Oxford. Her first steps into the workforce, however, didn’t exactly follow the beaten political path. After graduating college, the heavy metal fan pursued a music career, working first as an intern at MTV and then as a publicist with EMI Records and in marketing for Sony. (After appearing at the inquiry, a journalist, presumably hoping to spark a scandal, accused Mensch of having been spotted using drugs in a nightclub during this time. She boldly responded by admitting that it was likely true.) In 1995, at the age of 24, she launched a second career as a romance novelist – writing saucy, quick reads with titles like “Venus Envy” and “Tall Poppies,” published under her maiden name. She also met and married her first husband, an American property developer, and the couple had three children. After a divorce and another career shift, this time into politics, Mensch started to build a name for herself in right-wing circles as a new face — and a female one at that – in the notoriously traditional Tory party.

Before the phone-hacking inquiry, media coverage of Mensch was largely limited to local papers in Corby, her small East Midlands constituency, or tabloids like the Mail Online, the online arm of the right-wing paper the Daily Mail, which dubbed her a “Cameron cutie” and enthusiastically reported on her second marriage to Metallica manager, Peter Mensch. After the inquiry, however, Mensch was propelled into the political spotlight. “As a result of the committee, I got more attention than I deserved,” she admits. the Guardian once described her as an example of the new Tory feminist. The U.K. edition of GQ, meanwhile, likened her to one of her idols, Margaret Thatcher, despite the fact Mensch has only won one election and has been in parliament for just two years.

(MORE: The Frugal Lady: Newly Released Files Show Margaret Thatcher’s Thrifty Side)

Yet while the attention has brought fame not often achieved by a junior politician, it’s been a double-edged sword. She’s not only become a judge of the media; she’s been judged herself. “There has been a focus on looks, which is regretful,” she says of the coverage she’s received. She’s not just referring to the nauseating “Cameron cutie” nickname, either. During a Guardian interview, she was asked if she’d had a face-lift. When she refused to answer the question, the non-response was featured prominently in the article and re-reported by all the tabloids. Another story in the Murdoch-owned Times of London described her as having a “smooth face and clear complexion, pert but modest-sized breasts, a lithe and toned body,” which supposedly indicated her social class. And in her interview with GQ, she complained about being constantly appraised for her looks. In the accompanying photo shoot, however, she was photographed in designer clothing and heavy make-up – and was lambasted by the daily newspapers for appearing too glamorous.

This isn’t to say that some of the focus on Mensch hasn’t been of her own design. She’s often been accused of being publicity-hungry and of grandstanding. Her name frequently appears in the media by way of her own byline. She also has a tendency to engage in high-profile media feuds, such as her row with comedian Brian Limond. In November, Mensch angrily objected when the comic, who had a show on BBC Scotland, began tweeting his excitement over a rumor that Thatcher had died. When Limond switched his avatar to an image of the Iron Lady with the words “Die Now” scribbled across it, Mensch took to the Telegraph with an op-ed on why she found it “disgusting.”

Yet when Mensch argues that “women [politicians] have to sort of trudge through this nudge, nudge, wink, wink, sort of puerile, 10-year-old boy culture of the British press,” it rings true. Of the facelift question from the Guardian, she says, “[it’s] entirely my business and not the point of any woman politician.” She also cites the example of Page 3 – the tabloid tradition, perpetuated in part by Murdoch’s papers, of featuring a topless model on the third page of each edition. “There are some British institutions that should go the way of the dinosaur like the hereditary House of Lords — and women being laughed at on Page 3.” Asked whether she believes Britain is sexist, Mensch is unequivocal. “Yes,” she says firmly.

Unsurprisingly, the issue of Page 3 came up during the other major inquiry into the British press this year – the one led by Justice Brian Leveson on the ethics of media practices. On Jan. 24, four representatives of British women’s groups testified that the media played a significant part in perpetuating “sexist stereotypes” that might “condone violence against women and girls,” citing everything from the photos of topless women — ironically censored from the inquiry – to sensationalized descriptions of violence and describing 12-year-old rape victims as “Lolitas.” Mensch herself has encountered threat of violence when, after appearing at the inquiry, she received emails from a man who implied he was going to kill one of her children. (He was later convicted.) But while the media’s role in the treatment of women is likely to be an enduring issue — the Leveson inquiry is still ongoing – it’s an aspect that’s out of Mensch’s jurisdiction. She’s pleased that Leveson touched on sexism in the press — even for just a day – but the Culture, Media and Sport inquiry was limited to the News of the World and the phone-hacking issue.

(LIST: Top 10 Scandals of 2011)

Like any Tory worth her salt, Mensch also points out that sensationalist media only exists because there’s a market for it. In other words, although the tabloids seem quite obviously slanted against women, people are buying what the Murdochs and others are selling them. Maybe it’s not just the media that needs to be examined, says Mensch. “Perhaps we need to look a little more at ourselves.”

MORE: Phone-Hacking Scandal Makes Its Way to America
from:  http://globalspin.blogs.time.com/2012/05/01/britains-phone-hacking-scandal-and-the-rise-of-louise-mensch/#ixzz1tdX2LVPH


Louise Mensch was born on June 28th, 1971 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Mensch

June 28th, 1971

6 + 28 +1+9+7+1 = 52 = her life lesson = Keen.  Astute.  Perceptive.  Nobody’s fool.  Scathing criticism.  Harsh words.  Teaching you a lesson.

Queen of Swords Tarot card


using the number/letter grid:

1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9



Louise Mensch

363915 455138             53


her path of destiny = 53 = Forthright.  Principles.  Fighting for the truth.  Having a warrior spirit.

Knight of Swords Tarot card




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AFP / Getty Images

1 May 2012          11:02 ET

Rupert Murdoch “is not a fit person to exercise the stewardship of a major international company”, MPs have said.

The culture committee questioned journalists and bosses at the now-closed News of the World, as well as police and lawyers for hacking victims.

Its report has concluded that Mr Murdoch exhibited “wilful blindness” to what was going on in News Corporation.

But the committee was split six to four with Tory members refusing to endorse the report and branding it “partisan”.

Conservative Louise Mensch called it “a real great shame” that the report’s credibility had potentially been “damaged” as a result, with the report carried by Labour and Lib Dem members backing it.

News Corp said in a statement it was “carefully reviewing” the report and would “respond shortly”, adding: “The company fully acknowledges significant wrongdoing at News of the World and apologises to everyone whose privacy was invaded.”

It will give ammunition to those News Corporation shareholders who would like to loosen the hold over the company of the Murdoch dynasty”

The committee itself does not have the power to impose sanctions, but it raised the possibility of a vote in the House of Commons about whether witnesses had been in contempt of Parliament – and if so, whether those witnesses should be forced to apologise in Parliament.

The BBC News Channel’s chief political correspondent Norman Smith said the report was much more damning than had been anticipated and directly questioned the integrity and honesty of Rupert Murdoch.

BBC business editor Robert Peston said it would push Ofcom, the media regulator, closer to the conclusion that BSkyB – 39% owned by News Corp – is not fit and proper to hold a broadcasting licence.

Reacting to the report, an Ofcom spokesman said it was “continuing to assess the evidence – including the new and emerging evidence” that may assist it in ruling on that issue.

‘A blind eye’

The committee of MPs began its inquiry in July 2011 in the wake of fresh revelations about the extent of hacking at the tabloid newspaper, with reported victims including the murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler and the families of victims of the 7/7 London bombings.

It heard evidence from Mr Murdoch and his son James, and has now concluded that the notion that a hands-on proprietor like Rupert Murdoch had “no inkling” that wrongdoing was widespread at the News of the World was “simply not credible”.

It noted that the newspaper mogul had “excellent powers of recall and grasp of detail when it suited him”, and added: “On the basis of the facts and evidence before the committee, we conclude that, if at all relevant times Rupert Murdoch did not take steps to become fully informed about phone hacking, he turned a blind eye and exhibited wilful blindness to what was going on in his companies and publications.”

Tom Watson: Rupert Murdoch ‘not fit to run’ an international company

Tory MPs objected specifically to the line branding Mr Murdoch “not fit”, with one, Philip Davies, telling a press conference the committee had seen “absolutely no evidence” to endorse such a “completely ludicrous” conclusion.

But Labour MP Tom Watson said “more than any individual alive”, Mr Murdoch was to blame for phone hacking, and it was right to “raise the bar” of the report and make that clear.

The committee also criticised three former News International executives – one-time executive chairman Les Hinton, former News of the World editor Colin Myler and former legal manager Tom Crone – accusing them of giving misleading evidence.

Mr Myler, who is now editor of the New York Daily News, said he had “always sought to be accurate and consistent” when speaking to the committee and stood by his evidence.

Mr Hinton said the allegations against him were “unfounded, unfair and erroneous”.

Foam attack

News Corp as a whole was guilty of “huge failings of corporate governance” and, throughout, its instinct had been “to cover up rather than seek out wrongdoing and discipline the perpetrators”, the committee said.

And it concluded: “Corporately, the News of the World and News International misled the committee about the true nature and extent of the internal investigations they professed to have carried out in relation to phone hacking; by making statements they would have known were not fully truthful; and by failing to disclose documents which would have helped expose the truth.”

James Murdoch told the committee last summer that he did not see an email which suggested that hacking was more widespread at the paper than previously acknowledged – a claim disputed by Mr Myler and Mr Crone in their evidence.

On that matter, the report concluded that James Murdoch was “consistent” in relation to the so-called “For Neville” email, but he had demonstrated “wilful ignorance” about what had been going on, which “clearly raises questions of competence” on his part.

James Murdoch has insisted he did not know about any wrongdoing at the News of the World, but took “his share” of responsibility for not uncovering it earlier.

He gave evidence alongside his father Rupert, who at one point during the hearing was attacked by a man who rushed forward from the public gallery and threw a paper plate of foam at him.

James and Rupert Murdoch
James and Rupert Murdoch appeared before the media committee last July

The committee also said former News of the World editor Rebekah Brooks must “accept responsibility” for presiding over a culture at the News of the World that led to journalists impersonating members of Milly Dowler’s family and hacking the teenager’s phone.

And it criticised Director of Public Prosecutions Keir Starmer and former Acting Deputy Commissioner at the Metropolitan Police John Yates for failing to ensure hacking claims were properly investigated.

After initially claiming malpractice was limited to one “rogue” reporter at the News of the World, News International has now settled dozens of civil cases admitting liability for hacking between 2001 and 2006.

More than 6,000 possible victims have been identified and the police have so far made a number of arrests in connection with an investigation reopened in January 2011 – although no charges have yet been brought.

Louise Mensch said the MPs’ phone-hacking report would lose credibility for its line over Rupert Murdoch

Asked whether David Cameron regarded Rupert Murdoch as a fit person to run a media company, his official spokesman said: “That is a matter for the regulatory authorities, not for the government.”

Labour leader Ed Miliband and Lib Dem Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg both said Ofcom must now be allowed to come to its own conclusion.

The hacking revelations led to the closure of the News of the World and the government’s decision to set up a judicial inquiry into press standards headed by Lord Leveson.

Appearing before the Leveson Inquiry last week, Rupert Murdoch said there had been a “cover-up” which “shielded” senior figures at the paper and its parent company – including himself and his son James – from knowledge of wrongdoing taking place.

from:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-17898029


Keith Rupert Murdoch was born on March 11th, 1931 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_murdoch

March 11th, 1931

3 + 11 +1+9+3+1 = 28 = his life lesson = Vulnerable.  Weak.  Powerless.  Antihero.

Two of Wands Tarot card


using the number/letter grid:
1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9



Keith Rupert Murdoch


2  4


his primary challenge = KM = 24 = Clean up your act.  The emperor has no clothes.  The hammer comes down.

The Queen of Wands Tarot card


March 11th, 1931

3 + 11 +2+0+1+2 = 19 = his personal year (from March 11th, 2012 to March 10th, 2013) = Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

The Sun Tarot card

19 year + 4 (April) = 23 = his personal month (from April 11th, 2012 to May 10th, 2012) = Action taken.  Taking action.

King of Wands Tarot card

23 month + 1 (1st of the month on Tuesday May 1st, 2012) = 24 = his personal day = Clean up your act.  The emperor has no clothes.  The hammer comes down.

The Queen of Wands Tarot card

[When his number (24 (his primary challenge)) comes up, that’s when he gets to live/experience what he is here to live/experience.  So today is HIS day!!!]




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