
Posts Tagged ‘Major League Baseball’


February 5, 2013

For the second time in a week, a high-profile baseball player has been cited in documents linked to a shuttered anti-aging clinic that is under investigation for the distribution of performance-enhancing drugs.

Yahoo Sports reported on Tuesday night that the name of the Milwaukee Brewers slugger Ryan Braun is on three records from the clinic, including one that appears to show Braun owed the Miami-area facility $20,000 to $30,000.

In another document, the Web site said, there are multiple mentions of a lawyer who helped Braun avoid being suspended for 50 games last year after he had tested positive for having an elevated level of testosterone. The report also noted that there were no drug notations next to Braun’s name, as there were in documents that emerged last week in Miami New Times.

Those documents linked a half-dozen major leaguers to the clinic, Biogenesis, and its owner, Anthony Bosch, and to the use of performance enhancers. The most prominent of those players was Alex Rodriguez, who was listed 16 times in what were described as clinic ledgers, with various drugs mentioned in some of those entries.

Rodriguez has since denied having a relationship with Bosch or being treated by him.

Braun issued his own denial on Tuesday night, saying in a written statement that during the course of preparing for the appeal of his positive test last year, “my attorneys, who were previously familiar with Tony Bosch, used him as a consultant.” He said Bosch answered questions for his lawyers about testosterone levels and the possibilities of tampering with urine samples.

“There was a dispute over compensation for Bosch’s work, which is why my lawyer and I are listed under ‘moneys owed’ and not on any other list,” Braun said. “I have nothing to hide and have never had any other relationship with Bosch. I will fully cooperate with any inquiry into this matter.”

Bosch is not a licensed physician in Florida, where he has lived for much of his life, and it’s unclear where he went to college or what medical expertise he has. According to a person with knowledge of the matter, Bosch’s name was never cited by Braun’s side during the appeal process.

Last February, a baseball arbitrator ruled that Braun could not be suspended because there were chain-of-custody questions surrounding his urine samples.

As a result, Braun became the first player in the sport to successfully appeal a positive test. Still, he played the 2012 season with something of a stigma, although that did not prevent him from again producing strong numbers — 41 home runs, 112 runs batted in, a .319 batting average. Now the question is what problems this new disclosure may create for him.

The Yahoo report added that the Yankees catcher Francisco Cervelli and Baltimore Orioles third baseman Danny Valencia were also mentioned in the documents they examined, but that like Braun’s listing, theirs did not have notations about drug use. A career backup with the Yankees, Cervelli figures to compete for more playing time this year with the departure of Russell Martin to the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Cervelli denied any wrongdoing in a Twitter message he posted Tuesday night.

“Following my foot injury in March 2011 I consulted with a number of experts, including the Biogenesis clinic, for legal ways to aid my rehab and recovery,” the message said. “I purchased supplements I am certain were not prohibited by MLB.”

As more names of players emerged in connection with the clinic, investigators for baseball continued efforts to get their hands on the documents and attempt to confirm the information contained in them.

A Miami New Times editor said in a telephone message on Tuesday that the newspaper had met with Major League Baseball officials and was considering whether to share the documents it has. A spokesman for baseball declined to comment on the matter.

However, it is known that baseball officials believe that obtaining the records could significantly help them as they try to build potential cases against the major leaguers so far linked to the clinic — Rodriguez, Gio Gonzalez, Bartolo Colon, Melky Cabrera, Nelson Cruz, Yasmani Grandal and now Braun, Cervelli and Valencia.

Colon, Cabrera and Grandal all were suspended last year for positive drug tests.

Braun may draw particular scrutiny from baseball officials because they were angered that he evaded punishment last year on what they viewed as a technicality. Their suspicions of Braun have been heightened because the substance that he tested positive for in the fall of 2011 — an elevated level of testosterone — is the same one that subsequently led to the suspensions for Colon, Grandal and Cabrera.

Now all four have been linked to the Bosch clinic by various documents — as have two others, a teammate of Braun’s at the University of Miami and a trainer for the university who has worked with Braun.

Baseball is also mindful that when Braun appealed his positive drug test, he was required to provide detailed information, including the names of doctors and others he consulted for medical reasons. If baseball’s investigators were to uncover evidence that Braun was treated by Bosch at some point and did not disclose it during his appeal, he could be suspended for lying. However, no player has ever been suspended on those grounds since baseball, in 2004, instituted penalties for the use of performance enhancers.

from:  http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/06/sports/baseball/report-links-ryan-braun-to-florida-clinic-under-scrutiny-by-baseball.html?_r=0


Ryan Braun was born on November 17th, 1983 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_Braun

November 17th, 1983

11 + 17 +1+9+8+3 = 49 = his life lesson = Happy.  Smiling.  Satisfied.  Wish come true.


November 17th, 1983

November 17th

11 + 17 +2+0+1+2 = 33 = his personal year (from November 17th, 2012 to November 16th, 2013) = Swagger.  Brash.  Bravado.  Moxie.  Into the lion’s den.


using the number/letter grid:

1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9



Ryan Braun

9715 29135               42


his path of destiny = 42 = Everybody loves Ryan Braun.  Having a relationship with Bosch.

Two of Cups Tarot card









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December 25, 2012

On Christmas Day, Andruw Jones was arrested near Atlanta. Allegedly, the former MLBer, who last played for the New York Yankees, was charged with assault and battery early this morning. However, the details of the incident have not been made public at this time.

Citing a Dec. 25 report from SBNation, Andruw Jones’ arrest details allege he was involved in a disturbance that resulted in the Gwinnett County police being called in the early morning hours of Christmas.

Obviously, the charges of assault and battery are serious and could land the former MLBer in some deep trouble, should he be formally charged and convicted.

Andruw Jones played for five teams during his 17-year professional baseball career, beginning with the Atlanta Braves in 1996 and ending with the Yankees in 2012.

The news that Jones recently signed a baseball contract overseas with Rakuten Eagles of Japan’s Pacific League, was announced just last week. Reportedly, the one-year-deal is worth $3.5 million.

While Jones didn’t re-sign with the Yankees, by all accounts he could still hold his game. Bear in mind that he is a five-time National-League All-Star and logged .254/.337/.486 batting stats. Not shabby for a man north of 34, right?

In 2005, he led the league with 51 home runs and hit another 41 in 2006. However, he has been in a slump over the years, leading many to believe he was down and out.

It’s unclear if Andruw Jones’ arrest could affect his ability to fulfill his contract overseas or have a negative impact on any plans he had in returning to the MLB.

from:  http://www.examiner.com/article/andruw-jones-arrested-allegedly-for-battery-near-atlanta


Andruw Jones was born on April 23rd, 1977 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andruw_Jones

April 23rd, 1977

4 + 23 +1+9+7+7 = 51 = his life lesson = Obey the law.  Anything he says or does can and will be used against him in a court of law.

King of Swords Tarot card





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2:47a.m. EST                December 23, 2012

During an eight-year major-league career that took him to five teams, Ryan Freel enjoyed a reputation among teammates as high-energy, outgoing and hilarious. That’s why so many were shocked to learn that Freel, 36, was found dead Saturday in his Jacksonville, Fla., home with what police told the Florida Times-Union appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Sean Casey, Freel’s former teammate with the Cincinnati Reds, tweeted about his death: “RIP Ryan Freel!! Great teammate, great guy, n loved his family! Such a sad day today with his passing! Awful news! Prayers are with his family!”

Freel played for the Reds from 2003 to 2008, and during one three-year stretch had 110 stolen bases. He was paid $11.55 million in his career, which ended prematurely because of a succession of injuries that plagued him after 2006. He was hit in the head with a pickoff throw in 2009, an injury that put him on the disabled list.

After retiring in 2010, Freel returned to Jacksonville, his hometown, and coached youth players for an organization called Big League Development. He was named head coach of St. Joseph Academy in June but resigned shortly after taking the job.

Freel was raised by his Cuban-American mother, who worked 16 hours a day as a teacher and housecleaner in Jacksonville. He credited her for his gritty, all-out style of play. Freel also had a goofy side. He told the Dayton Daily News in 2006 that he had an imaginary friend named Farney.

“He’s a little guy who lives in my head who talks to me and I talk to him,” he told the paper. “That little midget in my head said, ‘That was a great catch, Ryan.’ I said, ‘Hey, Farney, I don’t know if that was you who really caught the ball, but that was pretty good if it was.'”

Freel twice was arrested for alcohol-related offenses but said he’d stopped drinking. In 2005, he pleaded guilty to driving under the influence. In 2006, he was charged with misdemeanor disorderly intoxication.

“I have not had a sip of alcohol in (nearly) three years. I definitely learned from that,” Freel told the Baltimore Sun when the Orioles acquired him in 2009. “Me and drinking probably wasn’t a good thing. Kicking that whole thing was probably the best thing to happen for me, my family and my career.”

His former teammates recall a personable, giving person. The Reds released a statement that said in part: “His teammates and our fans loved him for how hard he played the game, and he loved giving back to the community. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.”

Brandon Phillips, another of Freel’s teammate with the Reds, tweeted, “Really hurt by his passing. You never will be forgotten.”

from:  http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/2012/12/23/ryan-freel-suicide-gunshot-wound-jacksonville-cincinnati-reds-brandon-phillips-sean-casey/1787101/


Ryan Freel was born on March 8th, 1976 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_freel

March 8th, 1976

March 8th

3 + 8 +2+0+1+2 = 16 = his personal year (from March 8th, 2012 to March 7th, 2013) = Shocking.  Unexpected.

The Tower Tarot card




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02:15 PM ET              05/18/2012

That noise you heard late Friday morning was the sound of dozens of major league ballplayers exchanging imaginary high-fives – or “DM-ing,” as such exchanges are called in the Age of Twitter – at the news that the league had suspended umpire Bob Davidson for one game for the vague offense of “repeated violations” of baseball’s “standards for situation handling.”

As punishment goes, the suspension was barely worth mentioning. Davidson was to sit out his one game Friday night, replaced by a minor-league call-up, and no one but the uniformed personnel on the field and in the dugout would notice.

But in terms of symbolism, the league’s decision to suspend Davidson was monumental. It is believed to be the first time MLB has suspended an umpire for doing his job poorly; at the very least, it is the first time the league has announced such a thing.

The incident that ultimately got Davidson suspended was Tuesday’s expletive-laced ejection of Phillies Manager Charlie Manuel (who, it should be noted, received a one-game suspension for a separate umpire confrontation in the same game).

But around the game, Davidson (nicknamed “Balkin’ Bob” for his propensity for invoking one of the game’s most subjective and contentious rules) is notorious for his uncanny ability to take any garden-variety argument and — apparently through some combination of quick temper and thin skin — escalate it into a confrontation. Privately, many in the game have seethed at what they view as Davidson’s “grandstanding” and lack of professionalism.

Earlier this year, in a poll of players by Sports Illustrated, Davidson ranked as the fourth-worst umpire in the game.

Still, the bigger takeaway from this suspension is the notion of accountability. Obviously, umpires are constantly evaluated internally by league officials. But the players’ biggest beef with the game’s umpiring system is the lack of transparency and public accountability when it comes to the umps’ performances. After all, if a player fails to perform, it is visible to all, and there are serious consequences for his career.

Umpire-player (and umpire-manager) relations have been in the news far too often lately, most recently with the helmet-tossing episode involving Toronto’s Brett Lawrie, who wound up with a four-game suspension when his thrown helmet bounced off umpire Bill Miller.

Yes, Lawrie’s actions were inexcusable, but Miller’s strike zone during the sequence of pitches that led to the confrontation was atrocious, and while Lawrie gets rung up with a strikeout in the box score, Miller gets off scot-free.

Baseball would be better off if umpires were held to a higher degree of public accountability, and with the decision to suspend Bob Davidson — and more importantly, to announce it publicly — MLB has taken an important first step.

from:  http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/nationals-journal/post/mlbs-suspension-of-umpire-a-big-step-toward-accountability/2012/05/18/gIQAas2yYU_blog.html?tid=pm_sports_pop


Bob Davidson was born on August 3rd, 1952 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Davidson_(umpire)

August 3rd, 1952

8 + 3 +1+9+5+2 = 28 = his life lesson = Recklessness.

Two of Wands Tarot card


August 3rd, 1952

August 3rd

8 + 3 +2+0+1+1 = 15 = his personal year (from August 3rd, 2011 to August 2nd, 2012) = “Go to hell.”

15 year + 5 (May) = 20 = his personal month (from May 3rd, 2012 to June 2nd, 2012) = Umpire.  Poor judgement.

Judgement Tarot card

20 month + 15 (15th of the month on Tuesday May 15th, 2012) = 35 = his personal day = This can’t continue.

Nine of Wands Tarot card





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File:9TH Bryce Harper.jpg

May 7, 2012          6:05 p.m.
Cole Hamels earned a five-game suspension for the way he welcomed Bryce Harper to the big leagues.The 2008 World Series most valuable player was suspended for intentionally throwing at the Washington rookie in the Philadelphia Phillies‘ 9-3 win over the Nationals on Sunday night.Major League Baseball announced the penalty Monday. Hamels also was fined.

“I was trying to hit him,” Hamels, a two-time All-Star left-hander, said Sunday night. “I’m not going to deny it. I’m not trying to injure the guy. They’re probably not going to like me for it, but I’m not going to say I wasn’t trying to do it. I think they understood the message, and they threw it right back. That’s the way, and I respect it.”

Hamels plunked Harper in the small of the back with a fastball in the first inning. He said the purpose pitch was his old-school way of welcoming the 19-year-old Nationals phenom to the big leagues.

In the third inning, Nationals starter Jordan Zimmermann hit Hamels in the left leg with one out and a runner on first when the Phillies pitcher squared to bunt.

Bryce Harper was born on October 16th, 1992 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryce_Harper
October 16th, 1992
October 16th
10 + 16 +2+0+1+1 = 30 = his personal year = Counting his blessings.
Four of Wands Tarot card
30 year + 4 (April) = 34 = his personal month (from April 16th, 2012 to May 15th, 2012) = Hit by a pitch.
Eight of Wands Tarot card




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Cole Hamels

May 7, 2012          6:05 p.m.

Cole Hamels earned a five-game suspension for the way he welcomed Bryce Harper to the big leagues.The 2008 World Series most valuable player was suspended for intentionally throwing at the Washington rookie in the Philadelphia Phillies‘ 9-3 win over the Nationals on Sunday night.

Major League Baseball announced the penalty Monday. Hamels also was fined.

“I was trying to hit him,” Hamels, a two-time All-Star left-hander, said Sunday night. “I’m not going to deny it. I’m not trying to injure the guy. They’re probably not going to like me for it, but I’m not going to say I wasn’t trying to do it. I think they understood the message, and they threw it right back. That’s the way, and I respect it.”

Hamels plunked Harper in the small of the back with a fastball in the first inning. He said the purpose pitch was his old-school way of welcoming the 19-year-old Nationals phenom to the big leagues.

In the third inning, Nationals starter Jordan Zimmermann hit Hamels in the left leg with one out and a runner on first when the Phillies pitcher squared to bunt.

Cole Hamels was born on December 27th, 1983 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cole_Hamels
December 27th, 1983
December 27th
12 + 27 +2+0+1+1 = 43 = his personal year = Welcome.  Introduction.  Fun times.
Three of Cups Tarot card

43 year + 4 (April) = 47 = his personal month (from April 27th, 2012 to May 26th, 2012) = Famous.  Internationally known.

Seven of Cups Tarot card

47 month + 6 (6th of the month on Sunday May 6th, 2012) = 53 = his personal day = Attack.  Hitting below the belt.

Knight of Swords Tarot card




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Bryce Harper

April 27, 2012, 9:10 p.m.

Teenage phenom Bryce Harper will make his major league debut at Dodger Stadium on Saturday, and Dodgers utilityman Jerry Hairston Jr. has some advice for fans attending the game: Get there in time to watch theWashington Nationals take batting practice.”He puts on a very good show,” said Hairston, who was in the Nationals’ spring training camp with Harper last year.Harper, a 19-year-old outfielder, has been called up by the Nationals from triple-A Syracuse to replace third baseman Ryan Zimmerman on the roster. Zimmerman will be placed on the 15-day disabled list with shoulder inflammation.The power-hitting Harper was a Sports Illustrated cover boy as a 16-year-old prep star in Las Vegas. The headline: “Baseball’s Chosen One.” After his sophomore year of high school, Harper passed the GED and enrolled at the College of Southern Nevada, where he won the Golden Spikes Award as the top amateur baseball player in the country. He was the first player selected in the 2010 draft and signed with the Nationals for $9.9 million.

Dodgers Manager Don Mattingly saw an 18-year-old Harper play in the Arizona Fall League before the 2011 season. Mattingly managed in the six-team league, which is a finishing school for baseball’s top prospects.

“I like him,” Mattingly said. “The kid played hard. Full-out running, full-out everything.”

The Nationals initially planned to take a measured approach in developing Harper. Injuries to Zimmerman and cleanup hitter Michael Morse, changed that.

The Nationals, who entered Friday with the best record in the National League, suddenly had a need for a left-handed-hitting corner outfielder.

“This isn’t the coming-out party for Bryce that we had in mind,” Nationals General Manager Mike Rizzo said.

Harper hit .250 with a home run and 3 runs batted in in 20 games in triple A.

Rizzo insisted the Nationals remain committed to their plan on how to develop Harper, meaning Harper might not be in the majors to stay.

“He obviously could make me abandon it, and I hope he does,” Rizzo said.

Nationals Manager Davey Johnson said Harper will probably bat seventh. Pitching for the Nationals will be the last player to break into the majors with as much hype, fireballer Stephen Strasburg.

In anticipation of Harper’s debut, the MLB Network announced it would televise the game nationally.

At 19 years and195 days old, Harper will be the youngest player to make his major league debut since Seattle Mariners ace Felix Hernandez in 1995. Hernandez was 19 years and 118 days old.

Bryce Harper was born on October 16th, 1992 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryce_Harper
October 16th, 1992
10 + 16 +1+9+9+2 = 47 = his life lesson = Famous.  Name recognition.  Internationally known.
Seven of Cups Tarot card
October 16th, 1992
October 16th
10 + 16 +2+0+1+1 = 30 = his personal year (from October 16th, 2011 to October 15th, 2012) = Blessed.  Thankful.  Appreciative.
Four of Wands Tarot card
30 year + 4 (April) = 34 = his personal month (from April 16th, 2012 to May 15th, 2012) = Generating a buzz.  Pitcher throwing fastballs.
Eight of Wands Tarot card
34 month + 28 (28th of the month on Saturday April 28th, 2012) = 62 = his personal day = Booing.  Unpopular.

Eight of Swords Tarot card




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Mark and Kimbra Walter

April 21, 2012, 8:00 p.m.

The L.A. Dodgers have been getting all the ink, but they aren’t the only recent acquisition by Chicago financier Mark Walter. They’re not even the most important, at least not from John Penn’s perch at the old Grubstake Building in downtown Crested Butte, Colo.

Ask Penn about “the new owner” and he’ll be talking landlords, not baseball. Last year, Walter bought the building that houses Penn’s tobacco shop, a Nepalese restaurant and an art-glass gallery in the ski resort.

Penn wasn’t sure what to expect from an out-of-town owner with buckets of cash. The same could be said for Dodgers fans waiting to see what Walter and his partners will do with the team if their record $2.15-billion deal goes through.

Although Magic Johnson is the famous public face of the new ownership team, it’s Walter who will be the controlling owner. That means he’ll have a hand in everything from player salaries to improvements at Dodger Stadium.

From Colorado, at least, the scouting report is good. Walter not only didn’t raise rents, the tobbacconist said, he also paid some contractors who said they were owed money by the previous owner.

“We thought that was pretty cool, since he wasn’t really obligated to do that,” Penn said. “We don’t know what the future holds, but he seems to be a fairly square shooter. He seems like a decent guy.”

“Decent” is one word often used to describe Walter, 51, the chief executive of Guggenheim Partners, a financial services company that manages more than $125 billion in assets. He’s also private, unassuming and almost studiously unflashy.

Born in Iowa and schooled at Creighton University and Northwestern University Law School, Walter has a net worth of $1.3 billion, according to Wealth-X, a Singapore business-intelligence firm that assesses the fortunes of the ultra rich and ranks Walter seventh among Major League Baseball owners. Walter is not on the Forbes list of the world’s billionaires.

Most of Walter’s fortune, Wealth-X says, derives from his stake in Guggenheim Partners, a 12-year-old firm founded with family money by a descendant of Meyer Guggenheim, the industrialist and mining magnate who came to this country from his native Switzerland in the 1840s.

Unlike some others in his lofty economic orbit, namely current Dodgers owner Frank McCourt, Walter until recently was seldom in the news — and apparently liked it that way. When the Chicago Tribune contacted about three dozen of that city’s top bankers, investors and power brokers after the winning bid was announced last month, most had never met Walter and none said they knew him well.

“I’m a fairly quiet and private person,” he said at the time. “So I haven’t sought publicity.”

Through a spokesman, Walter declined to be interviewed for this article or to provide a detailed resume or other personal information.

The Chicago Cubs season ticket holder did speak with Times reporters when the Dodgers sale was announced and said he would be content to stay in the background with his new team. Longtime baseball executive Stan Kasten will run the operation.

“I’m a baseball fan, but I’m not qualified to make baseball decisions, and I don’t want to pretend to be,” said Walter, who was over 20 when he saw his first big-league game in person. “I’m here to support and help my people as much as I can. I’m here to cheer as loud as I can.”

Tracy Sankot recalled Walter as low-key and easygoing when both attended Thomas Jefferson High School in Cedar Rapids in the late 1970s.

“He was always one of the smartest guys in class, plain and simple, and fairly quiet,” said Sankot, who was on the golf team with Walter. “He wasn’t the kind of guy who offended anybody or made fun of anybody. He was just a genuinely good guy at that time and you could tell he was destined for success. He was bright, but he never lorded that over people.”

Walter was an accounting major at Creighton, where he played intramural sports and was a member of the Philosophy Society, among other activities. He earned a bachelor’s degree in business in 1982 and graduated three years later from law school.

He joined a Chicago law firm and later worked for First Chicago Capital Markets, but left in 1996 to found an investment firm, Liberty Hampshire Co., according to reports published at the time. While there he met J. Todd Morley, who would connect him with the Guggenheim fortune.

Morley was chief executive of Links Holdings, a company that dealt in mortgage assets, when he and Walter met in 1999. Morley had been working with Peter Lawson-Johnston II to form Guggenheim Partners, and all three men hit it off, said a company insider who was not authorized to speak publicly about the relationship.

Lawson-Johnston is a great-grandson of Solomon R. Guggenheim, the founder of the New York art museum that bears the family name.

Guggenheim Partners, which has headquarters in Chicago and New York and an office in Santa Monica, manages about $125 billion for wealthy individuals and institutional investors such as pension plans. In all, the firm has 25 offices in nine countries, and its 2,200 employees include investment bankers, securities traders, risk managers and research analysts.

Over the last decade, Guggenheim Partners has built a reputation on Wall Street for being low-key but aggressive. It performed well during the financial crisis, which helped it scoop up marquee bankers including former Bear Stearns CEO Alan Schwartz. In addition to traditional investments in stocks and bonds, the firm invests in distressed companies in hopes of turning them around and also runs hedge funds that engage in sophisticated trading tactics.

A major player in corporate debt, the firm has snapped up a variety of investments, including insurance companies, model-train maker Lionel and a stake in the venture that owns the Hollywood Reporter trade publication. It has been in negotiations to buy Deutsche Bank‘s asset management business, a move that would quintuple its holdings to more than $600 billlion, Bloomberg News reported in February.

The insider who spoke on condition of anonymity said the firm’s success owes largely to Walter’s fiscal discipline and his skill as a “very focused, very careful” investor.

“I can tell you he is a guy with one of the great financial minds of our time, and he will help that team,” the person said.

Walter has said he is making a significant personal investment in the team, but neither he nor the Dodgers’ new ownership group — Guggenheim Baseball Management — has revealed the sources of purchase money in its all-cash bid of $2.15 billion, which topped others by about $500 million and was well above most estimates of the franchise’s worth.

“The market drove the price,” Walter said, calling the investment “a multigenerational thing my daughter’s granddaughters will own.”

He and his wife, Kimbra, also a lawyer, live with their school-age daughter in Lincoln Park, a well-to-do neighborhood north of downtown Chicago and ajdacent to Lake Michigan.

In the last decade, the couple have bought several properties on North Orchard Street, including a 6,700-square-foot home for $3.9 million in 2004, public records show. Since February 2011, they have purchased two other homes on the same block, for $2.8 million and $2.3 million, respectively, records show.

Their street was featured in a 2006 Chicago Tribune Magazine story headlined “Attack of the Giant Houses!” that skewered mansions going up on “Chicago’s new Gazillionaire’s Row.” The Walters were not mentioned.

Those who know the couple say they are not given to ostentation.

“They are incredibly low-key,” said Christine Zrinsky, vice president for development at the Lincoln Park Zoo, where Kimbra Walter is a trustee and her husband a major fundraiser through Guggenheim Partners, the presenting sponsor of the annual Zoo Ball.

“They are very unassuming, very polite, and they care deeply about the city and their family,” Zrinsky said. “They have not made a big splash in the city as far as getting their names out there. They are not self-promoters in any way, shape or form.”

Federal Election Commission records show that Walter last year contributed $30,800 to the Democratic National Committee and $5,000 to Obama for America, and he has supported a variety of civic causes in Chicago. He is a trustee of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, which oversees Guggenheim museums and art collections in New York, Italy and Spain.

In the interview with The Times last month, Walter said he wanted the Dodgers organization to be “a pillar in the community” in Los Angeles.

“Something like this can really be a platform for philanthropic and other activities and community development and citizenship, which I think the world is in need of now,” he said.

Several years ago, as part of a Milken Institute campaign to raise money to fight prostate cancer, Walter toured Major League Baseball parks with former Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda.

“He thinks about doing things for other people,” Lasorda said. “I am happy he is taking over the Dodgers, and there is no doubt in my mind he will be successful.”

Walter spends a good bit of his off time with his wife and daughter in Crested Butte, where one of his limited liability companies in January paid $4 million for a 6,521-square-foot ski retreat on 1.5 acres. The five-bedroom, seven bathroom home had been on the market for as much as $6 million.

Bill Oberling, a longtime area resident, keeps an eye on more than a dozen properties for absentee owners, including Walter. He’s also taken river trips and gone hunting and skiing with the financier.

“I just kind of find him to be a down-to-earth Midwestern guy,” said Oberling, who counts himself lucky to know Walter — especially now.

“I’m hoping he can get me some tickets when the Dodgers play the Rockies,” he said.

from:  http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-mark-walter-20120422,0,7207713.story


using the number/letter grid:

1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9



Mark Walter

4192 513259            41


his path of destiny = 41 = Getting to know Mark Walter.  Significant age difference between Mark and his significant other.  Things get ugly.

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