
Posts Tagged ‘Gabriele’

Sunday May 27, 2012        2:25pm EDT

The Vatican faces a widening scandal that in one short week has seen Pope Benedict’s butler arrested, the president of its bank unceremoniously dismissed and the publication of a new book alleging conspiracies among cardinals.

It was a poisonous Pentecost Sunday for the pope, who likely had the tumultuous events of the past week on his mind as he celebrated a mass in St Peter’s Basilica on the day regarded as the birthday of the Church.

On Saturday his personal butler, Paolo Gabriele, 46, was formally charged with stealing confidential papal documents in the scandal that has come to be known as “Vatileaks”. Some of the documents allege cronyism and corruption in contracts with Italian companies.

One prominent cardinal, illustrating the growing emotion of the debate in Vatican circles, wrote in an Italian newspaper that the pope had been betrayed just as Jesus was betrayed 2,000 years ago.

The scandal, which has been brewing for months, has hit the very heart of the Roman Catholic Church. Gabriele – now known in Vatican statements as “the defendant” – was until Wednesday night the quiet man who served the pope’s meals, helped him dress and held his umbrella on rainy days.

The pope made no reference during his two public appearances on Sunday to the scandal or the arrest, which aides said had “saddened and pained” him.

“I feel very sad for the pope. This whole thing is such a disservice to the Church,” Carl Anderson, head of the Knights of Columbus charity group who is also a member of the board of the Vatican bank, told Reuters.

The night before the Vatican announced an arrest as part of its investigation of the leaks, it was rocked by the sudden ouster of the president of its bank, formally known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR).

Anderson, among those who voted no-confidence in Italian Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, said in a telephone interview with Reuters that the president was sacked because of “a fundamental failure to perform his basic responsibilities”.


Anderson rejected accusations by Gotti Tedeschi that he had been ousted because he wanted the bank to be more transparent.

“Categorically, this action by the board had nothing to do with his promotion of transparency,” Anderson said. “In Fact, he was becoming an obstacle to greater transparency by his inability to work senior management,” Anderson said.

Anderson said the Vatican is still aiming to make the OECD’s “white list” of states with financial transparency and other Vatican sources have pointed to the president’s very public ouster as an example of the drive for transparency.

A memorandum of the meeting that ousted Gotti Tedeschi and obtained by Reuters said he had shown “progressively erratic personal behavior” and failed to defend the bank “in the face of inaccurate media reports”.

Gotti Tedeschi’s ouster was significant in internal Vatican politics because it was another blow to the prestige of Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the pope’s right-hand man, who was instrumental in bringing the Italian in from Spain’s Banco Santander to run the IOR in 2009.

Earlier last week saw the publication of “His Holiness,” a new book by Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, who was first leaked some of the documents in January and aired them on a television show.

He says he was given the material by people loyal to the Church who wanted to expose corruption and that he did not pay anything for the documents.

After the events of last week, the atmosphere in the walled city-state was glum on Sunday. Vatican sources said they could not rule out more arrests, particularly if Gabriele named any accomplices.

The leaks scandal prompted one prominent Churchman, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, the former archbishop of Milan and himself once a candidate for the papacy, to appeal to Church leaders “to urgently win back the trust of the faithful”.



Martini, writing in an Italian newspaper, said the pope had been “betrayed” just as Jesus was betrayed 2,000 years ago, and that the Church would have to emerge from the latest scandal cleaner and stronger.

Still, few believed that Gabriele, a shy and private man, could have acted on his own and some said he may have been an unwitting pawn in a Vatican power struggle.

“Either he lost his mind or this is a trap,” a friend of Gabriele’s in the Vatican told the newspaper La Stampa.

“Whoever convinced him to do this is even more guilty because he manipulated a simple person.”

While news of Gabriele’s arrest has filled pages and pages of newspapers in Italy and beyond, the Vatican’s own newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, has ignored the story.

Some say this may be because the paper itself has been an instrument in a power struggle involving reciprocal mud-slinging between allies and enemies of Cardinal Bertone.

“This is a strategy of tension, an orgy of vendettas and pre-emptive vendettas that has now spun out of the control of those who thought they could orchestrate it,” Church historian Alberto Melloni wrote in the Corriere della Sera newspaper.

The leaked documents included letters by an archbishop who was transferred to Washington after blowing the whistle on what he saw as a web of corruption and cronyism, a memo that put a number of cardinals in a bad light, and documents alleging internal conflicts about the Vatican bank.

from:  http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/27/us-vatican-butler-scandal-idUSBRE84Q0BF20120527


using the number/letter grid:

1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9



Alberto Melloni

1325926 4533659             63


his path of destiny = 63 = Concerns.  Worries.  Living nightmare.

Nine of Swords Tarot card





comprehensive summary and list of predictions for 2012:





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Sunday May 27, 2012        2:25pm EDT

The Vatican faces a widening scandal that in one short week has seen Pope Benedict’s butler arrested, the president of its bank unceremoniously dismissed and the publication of a new book alleging conspiracies among cardinals.

It was a poisonous Pentecost Sunday for the pope, who likely had the tumultuous events of the past week on his mind as he celebrated a mass in St Peter’s Basilica on the day regarded as the birthday of the Church.

On Saturday his personal butler, Paolo Gabriele, 46, was formally charged with stealing confidential papal documents in the scandal that has come to be known as “Vatileaks”. Some of the documents allege cronyism and corruption in contracts with Italian companies.

One prominent cardinal, illustrating the growing emotion of the debate in Vatican circles, wrote in an Italian newspaper that the pope had been betrayed just as Jesus was betrayed 2,000 years ago.

The scandal, which has been brewing for months, has hit the very heart of the Roman Catholic Church. Gabriele – now known in Vatican statements as “the defendant” – was until Wednesday night the quiet man who served the pope’s meals, helped him dress and held his umbrella on rainy days.

The pope made no reference during his two public appearances on Sunday to the scandal or the arrest, which aides said had “saddened and pained” him.

“I feel very sad for the pope. This whole thing is such a disservice to the Church,” Carl Anderson, head of the Knights of Columbus charity group who is also a member of the board of the Vatican bank, told Reuters.

The night before the Vatican announced an arrest as part of its investigation of the leaks, it was rocked by the sudden ouster of the president of its bank, formally known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR).

Anderson, among those who voted no-confidence in Italian Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, said in a telephone interview with Reuters that the president was sacked because of “a fundamental failure to perform his basic responsibilities”.


Anderson rejected accusations by Gotti Tedeschi that he had been ousted because he wanted the bank to be more transparent.

“Categorically, this action by the board had nothing to do with his promotion of transparency,” Anderson said. “In Fact, he was becoming an obstacle to greater transparency by his inability to work senior management,” Anderson said.

Anderson said the Vatican is still aiming to make the OECD’s “white list” of states with financial transparency and other Vatican sources have pointed to the president’s very public ouster as an example of the drive for transparency.

A memorandum of the meeting that ousted Gotti Tedeschi and obtained by Reuters said he had shown “progressively erratic personal behavior” and failed to defend the bank “in the face of inaccurate media reports”.

Gotti Tedeschi’s ouster was significant in internal Vatican politics because it was another blow to the prestige of Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the pope’s right-hand man, who was instrumental in bringing the Italian in from Spain’s Banco Santander to run the IOR in 2009.

Earlier last week saw the publication of “His Holiness,” a new book by Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, who was first leaked some of the documents in January and aired them on a television show.

He says he was given the material by people loyal to the Church who wanted to expose corruption and that he did not pay anything for the documents.

After the events of last week, the atmosphere in the walled city-state was glum on Sunday. Vatican sources said they could not rule out more arrests, particularly if Gabriele named any accomplices.

The leaks scandal prompted one prominent Churchman, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, the former archbishop of Milan and himself once a candidate for the papacy, to appeal to Church leaders “to urgently win back the trust of the faithful”.



Martini, writing in an Italian newspaper, said the pope had been “betrayed” just as Jesus was betrayed 2,000 years ago, and that the Church would have to emerge from the latest scandal cleaner and stronger.

Still, few believed that Gabriele, a shy and private man, could have acted on his own and some said he may have been an unwitting pawn in a Vatican power struggle.

“Either he lost his mind or this is a trap,” a friend of Gabriele’s in the Vatican told the newspaper La Stampa.

“Whoever convinced him to do this is even more guilty because he manipulated a simple person.”

While news of Gabriele’s arrest has filled pages and pages of newspapers in Italy and beyond, the Vatican’s own newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, has ignored the story.

Some say this may be because the paper itself has been an instrument in a power struggle involving reciprocal mud-slinging between allies and enemies of Cardinal Bertone.

“This is a strategy of tension, an orgy of vendettas and pre-emptive vendettas that has now spun out of the control of those who thought they could orchestrate it,” Church historian Alberto Melloni wrote in the Corriere della Sera newspaper.

The leaked documents included letters by an archbishop who was transferred to Washington after blowing the whistle on what he saw as a web of corruption and cronyism, a memo that put a number of cardinals in a bad light, and documents alleging internal conflicts about the Vatican bank.

from:  http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/27/us-vatican-butler-scandal-idUSBRE84Q0BF20120527


Carlo Maria Martini was born on February 15th, 1927 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlo_Maria_Martini

February 15th, 1927

2 + 15 +1+9+2+7 = 36 = his life lesson = Having his work cut out for him.

Ten of Wands Tarot card


February 15th, 1927

February 15th

2 + 15 +2+0+1+2 = 22 = his personal year (from February 15th, 2012 to February 14th, 2013) = Like a three ring circus.





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Sunday May 27, 2012        2:25pm EDT

The Vatican faces a widening scandal that in one short week has seen Pope Benedict’s butler arrested, the president of its bank unceremoniously dismissed and the publication of a new book alleging conspiracies among cardinals.

It was a poisonous Pentecost Sunday for the pope, who likely had the tumultuous events of the past week on his mind as he celebrated a mass in St Peter’s Basilica on the day regarded as the birthday of the Church.

On Saturday his personal butler, Paolo Gabriele, 46, was formally charged with stealing confidential papal documents in the scandal that has come to be known as “Vatileaks”. Some of the documents allege cronyism and corruption in contracts with Italian companies.

One prominent cardinal, illustrating the growing emotion of the debate in Vatican circles, wrote in an Italian newspaper that the pope had been betrayed just as Jesus was betrayed 2,000 years ago.

The scandal, which has been brewing for months, has hit the very heart of the Roman Catholic Church. Gabriele – now known in Vatican statements as “the defendant” – was until Wednesday night the quiet man who served the pope’s meals, helped him dress and held his umbrella on rainy days.

The pope made no reference during his two public appearances on Sunday to the scandal or the arrest, which aides said had “saddened and pained” him.

“I feel very sad for the pope. This whole thing is such a disservice to the Church,” Carl Anderson, head of the Knights of Columbus charity group who is also a member of the board of the Vatican bank, told Reuters.

The night before the Vatican announced an arrest as part of its investigation of the leaks, it was rocked by the sudden ouster of the president of its bank, formally known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR).

Anderson, among those who voted no-confidence in Italian Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, said in a telephone interview with Reuters that the president was sacked because of “a fundamental failure to perform his basic responsibilities”.


Anderson rejected accusations by Gotti Tedeschi that he had been ousted because he wanted the bank to be more transparent.

“Categorically, this action by the board had nothing to do with his promotion of transparency,” Anderson said. “In Fact, he was becoming an obstacle to greater transparency by his inability to work senior management,” Anderson said.

Anderson said the Vatican is still aiming to make the OECD’s “white list” of states with financial transparency and other Vatican sources have pointed to the president’s very public ouster as an example of the drive for transparency.

A memorandum of the meeting that ousted Gotti Tedeschi and obtained by Reuters said he had shown “progressively erratic personal behavior” and failed to defend the bank “in the face of inaccurate media reports”.

Gotti Tedeschi’s ouster was significant in internal Vatican politics because it was another blow to the prestige of Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the pope’s right-hand man, who was instrumental in bringing the Italian in from Spain’s Banco Santander to run the IOR in 2009.

Earlier last week saw the publication of “His Holiness,” a new book by Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, who was first leaked some of the documents in January and aired them on a television show.

He says he was given the material by people loyal to the Church who wanted to expose corruption and that he did not pay anything for the documents.

After the events of last week, the atmosphere in the walled city-state was glum on Sunday. Vatican sources said they could not rule out more arrests, particularly if Gabriele named any accomplices.

The leaks scandal prompted one prominent Churchman, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, the former archbishop of Milan and himself once a candidate for the papacy, to appeal to Church leaders “to urgently win back the trust of the faithful”.



Martini, writing in an Italian newspaper, said the pope had been “betrayed” just as Jesus was betrayed 2,000 years ago, and that the Church would have to emerge from the latest scandal cleaner and stronger.

Still, few believed that Gabriele, a shy and private man, could have acted on his own and some said he may have been an unwitting pawn in a Vatican power struggle.

“Either he lost his mind or this is a trap,” a friend of Gabriele’s in the Vatican told the newspaper La Stampa.

“Whoever convinced him to do this is even more guilty because he manipulated a simple person.”

While news of Gabriele’s arrest has filled pages and pages of newspapers in Italy and beyond, the Vatican’s own newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, has ignored the story.

Some say this may be because the paper itself has been an instrument in a power struggle involving reciprocal mud-slinging between allies and enemies of Cardinal Bertone.

“This is a strategy of tension, an orgy of vendettas and pre-emptive vendettas that has now spun out of the control of those who thought they could orchestrate it,” Church historian Alberto Melloni wrote in the Corriere della Sera newspaper.

The leaked documents included letters by an archbishop who was transferred to Washington after blowing the whistle on what he saw as a web of corruption and cronyism, a memo that put a number of cardinals in a bad light, and documents alleging internal conflicts about the Vatican bank.

from:  http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/27/us-vatican-butler-scandal-idUSBRE84Q0BF20120527


using the number/letter grid:

1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9



Gianluigi Nuzzi

7                    9


how he obtains his heart’s desire = GI = 79 = Outrage.





comprehensive summary and list of predictions for 2012:





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Sunday May 27, 2012        2:25pm EDT

The Vatican faces a widening scandal that in one short week has seen Pope Benedict’s butler arrested, the president of its bank unceremoniously dismissed and the publication of a new book alleging conspiracies among cardinals.

It was a poisonous Pentecost Sunday for the pope, who likely had the tumultuous events of the past week on his mind as he celebrated a mass in St Peter’s Basilica on the day regarded as the birthday of the Church.

On Saturday his personal butler, Paolo Gabriele, 46, was formally charged with stealing confidential papal documents in the scandal that has come to be known as “Vatileaks”. Some of the documents allege cronyism and corruption in contracts with Italian companies.

One prominent cardinal, illustrating the growing emotion of the debate in Vatican circles, wrote in an Italian newspaper that the pope had been betrayed just as Jesus was betrayed 2,000 years ago.

The scandal, which has been brewing for months, has hit the very heart of the Roman Catholic Church. Gabriele – now known in Vatican statements as “the defendant” – was until Wednesday night the quiet man who served the pope’s meals, helped him dress and held his umbrella on rainy days.

The pope made no reference during his two public appearances on Sunday to the scandal or the arrest, which aides said had “saddened and pained” him.

“I feel very sad for the pope. This whole thing is such a disservice to the Church,” Carl Anderson, head of the Knights of Columbus charity group who is also a member of the board of the Vatican bank, told Reuters.

The night before the Vatican announced an arrest as part of its investigation of the leaks, it was rocked by the sudden ouster of the president of its bank, formally known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR).

Anderson, among those who voted no-confidence in Italian Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, said in a telephone interview with Reuters that the president was sacked because of “a fundamental failure to perform his basic responsibilities”.


Anderson rejected accusations by Gotti Tedeschi that he had been ousted because he wanted the bank to be more transparent.

“Categorically, this action by the board had nothing to do with his promotion of transparency,” Anderson said. “In Fact, he was becoming an obstacle to greater transparency by his inability to work senior management,” Anderson said.

Anderson said the Vatican is still aiming to make the OECD’s “white list” of states with financial transparency and other Vatican sources have pointed to the president’s very public ouster as an example of the drive for transparency.

A memorandum of the meeting that ousted Gotti Tedeschi and obtained by Reuters said he had shown “progressively erratic personal behavior” and failed to defend the bank “in the face of inaccurate media reports”.

Gotti Tedeschi’s ouster was significant in internal Vatican politics because it was another blow to the prestige of Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the pope’s right-hand man, who was instrumental in bringing the Italian in from Spain’s Banco Santander to run the IOR in 2009.

Earlier last week saw the publication of “His Holiness,” a new book by Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, who was first leaked some of the documents in January and aired them on a television show.

He says he was given the material by people loyal to the Church who wanted to expose corruption and that he did not pay anything for the documents.

After the events of last week, the atmosphere in the walled city-state was glum on Sunday. Vatican sources said they could not rule out more arrests, particularly if Gabriele named any accomplices.

The leaks scandal prompted one prominent Churchman, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, the former archbishop of Milan and himself once a candidate for the papacy, to appeal to Church leaders “to urgently win back the trust of the faithful”.



Martini, writing in an Italian newspaper, said the pope had been “betrayed” just as Jesus was betrayed 2,000 years ago, and that the Church would have to emerge from the latest scandal cleaner and stronger.

Still, few believed that Gabriele, a shy and private man, could have acted on his own and some said he may have been an unwitting pawn in a Vatican power struggle.

“Either he lost his mind or this is a trap,” a friend of Gabriele’s in the Vatican told the newspaper La Stampa.

“Whoever convinced him to do this is even more guilty because he manipulated a simple person.”

While news of Gabriele’s arrest has filled pages and pages of newspapers in Italy and beyond, the Vatican’s own newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, has ignored the story.

Some say this may be because the paper itself has been an instrument in a power struggle involving reciprocal mud-slinging between allies and enemies of Cardinal Bertone.

“This is a strategy of tension, an orgy of vendettas and pre-emptive vendettas that has now spun out of the control of those who thought they could orchestrate it,” Church historian Alberto Melloni wrote in the Corriere della Sera newspaper.

The leaked documents included letters by an archbishop who was transferred to Washington after blowing the whistle on what he saw as a web of corruption and cronyism, a memo that put a number of cardinals in a bad light, and documents alleging internal conflicts about the Vatican bank.

from:  http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/27/us-vatican-butler-scandal-idUSBRE84Q0BF20120527


Carl Anderson was born on February 27th, 1951 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_A._Anderson

February 27th, 1951

2 + 27 +1+9+5+1 = 45 = his life lesson = Investigation.  Secrets.  Things go horribly wrong.

Five of Cups Tarot card


February 27th, 1951

February 27th

2 + 27 +2+0+1+2 = 34 = his personal year (from February 27th, 2012 to February 26th, 2013) = Generating a buzz.  Things happen really quickly.

34 year + 5 (May) = 39 = his personal month (from May 27th, 2012 to June 26th, 2012) = If it sounds too good to be true. it probably is.

Knight of Cups Tarot card





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5:43PM BST            27 May 2012

Paolo Gabriele, 46, was detained on Friday but few believe he was the brains behind the leaking of the documents, that included the personal correspondence of Benedict XVI himself.

Investigators are combing through his computer and bank details in an attempt to trace people he has been in touch with.

His mobile phone is also being examined as many of the documents allegedly had in his possession were photographed while on the Pontiff’s desk.

His arrest comes two months after the Pope appointed a special commission to investigate the embarrassing leaks.

Dozens of documents including private letters to the Pope have found themselves into the hands of the Italian media and they have also been printed in a book published last week called Sua Santita (His Holiness).

The documents show how contracts were awarded to favoured companies and individuals and also highlight allegations of internal power struggles with the Vatican’s bank known as the Institute for Religious Works.

One theory is that Mr Gabriele, who has been the Pope’s butler since 2006, has been made a scapegoat for the real masterminds – senior figures in the Catholic Church out to undermine Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican secretary of state.

Another is that the leaking is aimed at the Pope’s private secretary Monsignor Georg Ganswein, who has angered many of the Vatican old guard by giving interviews to glossy Italian weekly magazines.

One source said: “Monsignor Georg has brought to public attention a role that should be very private and that has resulted in many people getting jealous because they see him as having far too much influence over Pope Benedict.”

On Saturday Mr Gabriele was charged with aggravated theft and last night he was still in custody in a Vatican cell.

In an interview with La Repubblica newspaper his wife Manuela Citti said: “This has been a hard blow for all of us. I can’t speak about the investigation. All I can say is that I know my husband’s loyalty and his loyalty to his job.”

On Sunday in his Pentecost sermon, the Pope made no direct reference to the arrest of Mr Gabriele but Vatican commentators pointed to the words he used as an acknowledgement of the dramatic developments.

“Communication between people is becoming more superficial and difficult. We see daily events in which it appears men have become more aggressive, confrontational, they seem to be concerned only with themselves, their own interests,” he said.

from:  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/vaticancityandholysee/9293448/Vatican-hunts-suspected-Vatileaks-mastermind-as-butler-is-charged.html


using the number/letter grid:

1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9



Manuela Citti

4153531 39229            47


her path of destiny = 47 = Name recognition.  Everybody knows her name.

Seven of Cups Tarot card






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5:43PM BST            27 May 2012

Paolo Gabriele, 46, was detained on Friday but few believe he was the brains behind the leaking of the documents, that included the personal correspondence of Benedict XVI himself.

Investigators are combing through his computer and bank details in an attempt to trace people he has been in touch with.

His mobile phone is also being examined as many of the documents allegedly had in his possession were photographed while on the Pontiff’s desk.

His arrest comes two months after the Pope appointed a special commission to investigate the embarrassing leaks.

Dozens of documents including private letters to the Pope have found themselves into the hands of the Italian media and they have also been printed in a book published last week called Sua Santita (His Holiness).

The documents show how contracts were awarded to favoured companies and individuals and also highlight allegations of internal power struggles with the Vatican’s bank known as the Institute for Religious Works.

One theory is that Mr Gabriele, who has been the Pope’s butler since 2006, has been made a scapegoat for the real masterminds – senior figures in the Catholic Church out to undermine Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican secretary of state.

Another is that the leaking is aimed at the Pope’s private secretary Monsignor Georg Ganswein, who has angered many of the Vatican old guard by giving interviews to glossy Italian weekly magazines.

One source said: “Monsignor Georg has brought to public attention a role that should be very private and that has resulted in many people getting jealous because they see him as having far too much influence over Pope Benedict.”

On Saturday Mr Gabriele was charged with aggravated theft and last night he was still in custody in a Vatican cell.

In an interview with La Repubblica newspaper his wife Manuela Citti said: “This has been a hard blow for all of us. I can’t speak about the investigation. All I can say is that I know my husband’s loyalty and his loyalty to his job.”

On Sunday in his Pentecost sermon, the Pope made no direct reference to the arrest of Mr Gabriele but Vatican commentators pointed to the words he used as an acknowledgement of the dramatic developments.

“Communication between people is becoming more superficial and difficult. We see daily events in which it appears men have become more aggressive, confrontational, they seem to be concerned only with themselves, their own interests,” he said.

from:  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/vaticancityandholysee/9293448/Vatican-hunts-suspected-Vatileaks-mastermind-as-butler-is-charged.html


Georg Gänswein was born on July 30th, 1956 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ganswein

July 30th, 1956

July 30th

7 + 30 +2+0+1+1 = 41 = his personal year (from July 30th, 2011 to July 29th, 2012) = Things get ugly.

Ace of Cups Tarot card

41 year + 4 (April) = 45 = his personal month (from April 30th, 2012 to May 29th, 2012) = Probing.  Investigation.  Deep, dark secrets.  Things go horribly wrong.

Five of Cups Tarot card





comprehensive summary and list of predictions for 2012:





discover some of your own numerology for FREE at:





learn numerology from numerologist to the world, Ed Peterson:







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May 26, 2012

Vatican magistrates formally charged the butler of Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday with illegal possession of secret documents and said a wider investigation would take place to see if any accomplices had helped him leak them.

Some of the documents that the butler, Paolo Gabriele, is suspected of leaking claim cronyism and corruption in Vatican contracts, in a scandal that has come to be known as VatiLeaks.A Vatican statement referred to Mr. Gabriele, 46, who until his arrest on Wednesday night had been serving the pope meals and helping him dress, as “the defendant.”

It said that a preliminary inquiry had become a formal investigation, meaning that Mr. Gabriele had been formally charged, and that he had chosen two lawyers to defend him.

Because the Vatican has no jail, Mr. Gabriele was being held in one of the three so-called secure rooms in the offices of the Vatican’s tiny police force inside the walled city-state.

The Vatican promised that he would have “all the juridical guarantees foreseen by the criminal code of the State of Vatican City.”

A Vatican official said the investigation would try to determine whether Mr. Gabriele had acted alone.

The pope was said to be “pained” that someone in his household had been accused of betraying him. Mr. Gabriele lived in the Vatican with his wife and three children.

Commentators in Italian newspapers said they doubted that Mr. Gabriele could have acted alone, and some speculated that he had been a pawn in an internal power struggle.

“Never has the sense of disorientation in the Catholic Church reached these levels,” Alberto Melloni, a historian of the Roman Catholic Church, wrote in the newspaper Corriere della Sera. “But now there is something even more, a sense of systemic disorder.”

If convicted, Mr. Gabriele could face a sentence of up to 30 years for illegal possession of documents of a head of state. He would be likely to serve any time in an Italian jail because of an agreement between Italy and the Vatican.

The scandal involves the leaking of a string of documents to the Italian news media in January and February, including personal letters to the pope. Some of the documents claimed corruption, mismanagement and cronyism in the awarding of contracts for work in the Vatican and internal disagreement on the management of the Vatican bank.

Mr. Gabriele worked in the papal apartments of the Apostolic Palace, serving at the papal tables, handing rosaries to visiting dignitaries and riding in the first seat of the popemobile at papal audiences. He was privy to the goings-on in the most private rooms in the Vatican.

The pope had ordered several investigations, including one led by the Vatican police and another by a commission of cardinals.

The leaked documents included letters by an archbishop who was transferred to Washington after reporting what he saw as a web of corruption and cronyism, a memo that put a number of cardinals in a bad light and documents suggesting that there were internal conflicts about the Vatican Bank.

Private letters to the Vatican secretary of state and the pope from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, a former deputy governor of Vatican City and currently the ambassador to Washington, showed that Archbishop Viganò had been transferred after he exposed what he described as the awarding of contracts to Italian contractors at inflated prices.

from:  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/27/world/europe/pope-benedicts-butler-formally-charged-with-leaks.html


using the number/letter grid:

1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9



Paolo Gabriele

71636 71299535             64


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