
Archive for the ‘Zack Greinke’ Category

April 12, 2013            6:33 a.m.

As the Dodgers were leaving Petco Park on Thursday, Matt Kemp ran into the player who sent him into a rage earlier in the night: Carlos Quentin.

In a hallway between the home and visiting clubhouses, Kemp stood face to face and exchanged angry words with Quentin, who charged the mound and broke Zack Greinke‘s collarbone in the sixth inning of the Dodgers’ 3-2 victory over the San Diego Padres.

“If a guy’s throwing at your head …” Quentin said.

Kemp ordered Quentin not to point his finger at him.

Kemp and Quentin were guided away from each other by their respective teammates, with Dodgers shortstop Hanley Ramirez and Padres pitcher Clayton Richard playing the role of the peacemakers.

Quentin walked to the Padres’ indoor parking lot. With the Dodgers’ bus waiting just outside, Kemp left too. Clayton Kershaw caught up to Kemp and put his hand on his shoulder.

“We’ll see …” Kemp said as Quentin walked away.

The Dodgers and Padres will face each other again on Monday, this time at Dodger Stadium for the start of a three-game series.

Not long before his hallway incident with Quentin, Kemp was among the Dodgers expressing disbelief that the Padres outfielder had attacked their $147-million co-ace over what appeared to be an innocent pitch.

The pitch that struck Quentin on the arm came on a full count with no outs and the Dodgers holding on to a 2-1 lead.

“People with good baseball IQs know if you have a one-run lead and it’s a 3-2 count, Greinke is not going to hit you on purpose,” Kemp said.

He also mentioned that Quentin attended Stanford.

“I heard there are some smart people at Stanford,” Kemp said. “That wasn’t too smart.”

Manager Don Mattingly called Quentin “an idiot.”

“Not one person on their team over there thinks he’s throwing at him,” Mattingly said.

Catcher A.J. Ellis said Padres players were apologizing for what Quentin did. Ellis said the last time he witnessed a player do what Quentin did was in Class A.

“This is ‘The Show,’ man, you don’t do that stuff here,” utilityman Jerry Hairston Jr. said.

Quentin pointed out that he and Greinke had a history. This was the third time Greinke had struck Quentin with a pitch.

“I don’t want to hear about personal history or anything,” Mattingly said. “We’re trying to win a game. You don’t hit a guy there. Just stupid. It’s ridiculous.”

When Quentin was hit, he took a few steps forward and glared at Greinke, who appeared to say something to him.

“That was the final straw,” Quentin said.

So Quentin wouldn’t have charged the mound if Greinke hadn’t said anything?

“There’s a chance I don’t,” he said.

Quentin wouldn’t reveal what Greinke said to him. Greinke wouldn’t either.

Quentin was ejected from the game, as were Greinke, Kemp and Hairston.

Home plate umpire and crew chief Sam Holbrook wouldn’t say why Greinke or any of the other players were thrown out of the game.

“Really, that’s all I can tell you,” Holbrook told a pool reporter. “I spoke with my supervisor and until we file a report with the league, that’s really all we can say.

“I can’t tell you what was said or what we think led to it.”

Greinke knew immediately that he was severely injured, Hairston said.

“I broke it,” Greinke told his teammates, according to the utilityman.

As Greinke and Quentin tangled, Kemp charged to the mound from center field and was already upset. But when Greinke told him of the extent of the damage, Kemp “kind of lost it,” according to Mattingly.

Mattingly said Quentin should be suspended at least until Greinke can pitch again.

“That’s fair, isn’t it?” Hairston asked.

Kemp and Hairston argued that they shouldn’t be suspended.

“I got kicked out of the game,” Kemp said. “I’m sure I’ll get fined. But I didn’t throw any punches. I didn’t do anything wrong. I hope I don’t get suspended.”

Hairston appeared to have been ejected for running toward the Padres dugout as peace was starting to be restored.

Hairston said one of the Padres was making fun of Greinke’s injury.

“When a guy’s making fun of a guy with a broken collarbone … I took exception to that,” Hairston said.

Hairston refused to identify the player. Mattingly said Padres backup catcher John Baker was talking a lot.

Asked if there was now bad blood between the Dodgers and Padres, Greinke said, “Now there probably is.”

from:  http://www.latimes.com/sports/dodgersnow/la-sp-dn-dodgers-padres-zack-greinke-carlos-quentin-matt-kemp-20130412,0,7314725.story


Zack Greinke was born on October 21st, 1983 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zack_Greinke

October 21st, 1983

10 + 21 +1+9+8+3 = 52 = his life lesson = Teaching you a lesson.

Queen of Swords Tarot card


October 21st, 1983

October 21st

10 + 21 +2+0+1+2 = 36 = his personal year (from October 21st, 2012 to October 20th, 2013) = Use of excessive force.  Going way over the line.

Ten of Wands Tarot card


using the number/letter grid:

1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9



Zackary Greinke

8132197 7959525              73


his path of destiny = 73 = Broken bone.  Toughing it out.  Enduring hardship.

Five of Pentacles Tarot card







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