
Archive for the ‘Yuri Gagarin’ Category

June 10th, 2011

Russian cosmonaut Viktor Savinykh, 71, who has
flown in three space flights, would like to see a monument of the first man in
space, Yuri Gagarin, in the city. “Yuri Gagarin was a great man. Moreover, he
also visited Mumbai. If that (monument) happens, I would come for its
inauguration and I am willing

Last month, the Russian consulate had written to the state government
requesting that the new Lalbaug flyover be named after Gagarin. “If not a
monument, at least name the flyover after him. In Russia, there are so many
roads and places named in honour of great Indian figures,” added Savinykh.

Savinykh, who has been decorated twice as the Hero of the Soviet Union, spoke
about how governments across the world must come together to launch space
exploration programmes.

“Our space odyssey is gone so far that we can now go to Mars. We need a team
to make equipment and technology. Every thing cannot be done by one country
alone,” he said.

Addressing students, parents and senior citizens, Savinykh said the space
flights made him knowledgeable about pollution on the Earth. “From outer space,
the Earth is not just beautiful but also has polluted spots. It makes a pilot
understand that one needs to do more to control pollution and protect the
environment,” he added.

From speaking on effects of low gravity on the body to the training
programmes he underwent, Savinykh also spoke of how cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma’s
space flight gave a fillip to India’s space science programme.

“But what’s good about space is that you get out of a sleeping bag and you
are at work. Seventy five days is a relaxing regime,” he said.

On being asked about radiation exposure in space, Savinykh said, “I received
less radiation in space as compared to my training while undergoing X-rays for
various tests.”

from:  http://www.hindustantimes.com/Russian-cosmonaut-wants-Yuri-Gagarin-monument-in-city/Article1-707761.aspx


Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9th, 1934 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Gagarin

Each letter of the first name rules 9 years of life.  Ages 27 to 36 are ruled by the sum of the day of birth and the 4th letter of the name.

March 9th, 1934    Yuri Gagarin

9 (born of the 9th of the month) + 9 (i is the 9th letter of the month) = 18

So from ages twenty-seven to thirty-six he had the number 18 going on.

18 = Cosmonaut.  Space program.  Outer space.

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