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Astro-Notes on September 18, 2010 – the power to create

The Moon has made ingress into Aquarius this morning at 03:34 am EDT and is now on her way to activate the Mars-Pluto sextile, which will be perfecting tonight, with a square and a semi-sextile, respectively. As the atmosphere changes from heavily smoldering to electrified and thus being ready for discharge, we may find ourselves in a state of excitement and eager anticipation, our intentions geared toward establishing a base for our personal power from which we can gain more influence in private and public affairs. Therefore, we may feel strongly compelled to take advantage of the immense potential of this moment in time by intensifying our activities accordingly to be able to control the situation, especially in view of long-term developments. This happens in sync with the 2nd in a series of Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions, the first of which occurred in June in Aries with both planetary bodies in direct motion, now taking place in Pisces with both of them in retrograde motion. A process of individualized expansion that is a reorientation inspired by ideals and heightened awareness for future-oriented trends is reforming our inner landscape and stimulating longings for differentiation and liberation along the lines of our visions with our beliefs and convictions unified into an ideology of personal truths and revolutionary concepts, thereby revealing the level of elevation of our consciousness.

Tarot card of the day is “The Magician” with the message ‘I have the power to create’, which suggests to utilize the 4 tools we have to our disposal – the sword of intellect, the wand of inspiration, the cup of emotion and the pentacle of practicality – and thus mastering the 4 elements to approach our whole life or a situation with a new creative and original attitude. With self-confidence we will have the ability to act not react, the willpower to direct our energy in the direction we want it to go and gain the knowledge and the ability to tackle the important issues that need to be dealt with so that success can be achieved.   

In the news: The Republican presidential field for 2012 is beginning to take shape in the U.S. in a period of intensive upheaval set off by the rise of the Tea Party movement, expanding the roster of potential candidates but presenting a more complicated road to the nomination. – Future trends and possibilities are revealed and so is the social consciousness and the level of understanding of collective issues and individual rights in a multi-cultural society by the single candidates in this group (Jupiter-Uranus), who draw their support from an angered mob (Mars-Pluto).


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