
Archive for the ‘Traian Basescu’ Category

29 July 2012                10:39 ET

The people of Romania are voting in a referendum on whether to impeach centre-right President Traian Basescu.

Mr Basescu has already been suspended by parliament in a series of moves that have caused alarm among Romania’s EU partners.

The centre-left government accuses Mr Basescu of exceeding his authority and of meddling in government affairs.

Mr Basescu denies the accusations and has urged a boycott of Sunday’s referendum.

Under Romanian law, more than half the electorate will have to vote to make the result valid.

By 14:00 local (1100GMT) turnout had reached 21% – about 6% down on the figure at the same point in June’s local elections.

Polling stations close at 23:00 local time. First results are expected on Monday.

Popularity slump

BBC Central Europe correspondent Nick Thorpe says the referendum is one of the fiercest political clashes in Romania since the return of democracy in 1990.

The result is hard to predict but will have long-term repercussions for Romania’s political and economic stability, he says.

President Traian Basescu

  • The 60-year-old ex-sea captain was first voted in office in 2004
  • He has faced frequent challenges to his authority
  • In 2007 he was suspended, the first time he faced impeachment
  • In the past he has been accused of collaborating with the feared secret police of the communist Ceausescu era
  • He was transport minister from 1999 to 2000, after which he became mayor of Bucharest

The row has paralysed political decision-making in Romania at a time when it is finalising agreements on an IMF-backed aid package.

Mr Basescu’s popularity has slumped since he backed tough austerity measures demanded by Romania’s international lenders.

Mr Basescu had initially urged Romanians to vote “no” to what he called “a coup”, but later asked his supporters to boycott the vote altogether, a stance also adopted by the opposition Liberal Democrats.

If he is impeached, a presidential election must be held within three months. According to the latest polls, about 65% of the electorate wants to remove Mr Basescu.

Some 18 million Romanians are eligible to vote; however, analysts say the government will struggle to achieve the required turnout.

Early reports show a turnout of just over 9%, after the first three hours of voting.

Ponta’s drive

The referendum is the latest twist in an ongoing power struggle between Mr Basescu and Prime Minister Victor Ponta, who has been the driving force behind efforts to unseat the President.

Mr Ponta, who is himself embroiled in a scandal over plagiarism, challenged Romania’s Constitutional Court and has been accused of threatening judges whom are aligned to the President.

The Prime Minister’s actions have provoked harsh criticism from the EU.

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy voiced “deep concerns” about the political crisis in Romania “with regard to the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary”.

Despite Romania’s promises to respect EU institutions, Brussels has said it has yet to see any proof this is the case.

Romania and neighbouring Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007, but Brussels has put both countries under special monitoring because of concerns about judicial independence, corruption and political influence in state institutions.

from:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-19034173


Traian Băsescu was born on November 4th, 1951 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traian_Basescu

November 4th, 1951

11 + 4 +1+9+5+1 = 31 = his life lesson = Controversy.  Things get out of hand.

Five of Wands Tarot card




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July 6, 2012

The political crisis in Romania deepened Friday after the Parliament in Bucharest voted to impeach President Traian Basescu amid rising international criticism of the government’s apparent attempts to usurp power and subvert the country’s young democracy.

The impeachment was one step among many that critics say Prime Minister Victor Ponta has taken in recent months to consolidate his rule. The governing coalition has already fired the speakers of both chambers of Parliament — an action the opposition called unconstitutional — and replaced the country’s ombudsman, who has the power to challenge emergency legislation before the Constitutional Court.

The court’s justices have been threatened with removal before their terms were up, although that idea was scrapped after an international outcry. But Mr. Ponta reduced the court’s power and is moving ahead with the impeachment.

Mr. Ponta and his left-leaning Social Liberal Union contend that Mr. Basescu has violated the Constitution and accuse him of acting as a dictator, although the powers of the Romanian president are limited compared with the prime minister’s. The Constitutional Court ruled Friday that Mr. Basescu had not violated the Constitution, although the decision was nonbinding.

“What dictator lets the opposition have the post of prime minister?” Mr. Basescu asked in the debate leading up to the vote, which he lost decisively, with 256 members of Parliament voting to remove him and 114 voting against. In the next step, Romanian voters will decide in a nationwide referendum, planned for July 29, whether Mr. Basescu can remain in office.

In a statement on Friday, the European Commission said it was “concerned about current developments in Romania,” in particular the moves to reduce the power of independent institutions like the Constitutional Court.

“The rule of law, the democratic checks and balances and the independence of the judiciary are cornerstones of the European democracy and indispensable for mutual trust within the European Union,” it said.

A spokesman for Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany said Friday that she was watching the situation “with deep concern.”

It is the second time that Mr. Basescu — a former sea captain, anticorruption crusader and polarizing political figure — has faced a referendum to remove him from office. A similar effort in 2007 failed when 74 percent of the voters opposed the move.

But Mr. Basescu’s association with detested austerity programs has taken a toll on his popularity, and opinion surveys show he could lose this time. Romania’s political class is divided by bitter personal rivalries and a public that has taken to the streets in sometimes destructive protests against the austerity programs, as well as the stagnant growth.

Parliament already passed a law that would ease the removal of the president through a referendum, requiring a majority of those voting. Previously, a majority of all eligible voters was needed.

After a recession in 2009, Romania was forced to turn to the International Monetary Fund for emergency loans, which required the government to take drastic measures to curtail deficits, including cutting government salaries and raising the sales tax. The recent political turmoil, and the stern warnings from foreign leaders, have helped to drive the country’s currency, the leu, to a record low against the euro.

The situation in Romania was the latest example of instability and weakening democratic institutions in the former Communist bloc. Civil society groups have criticized Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban, for undermining democracy there. But the attention of European leaders appears to be so absorbed by the euro crisis that problems elsewhere seem to attract attention only when they reach a critical point.

“There’s a greater and greater political trend toward an emphasis only on the euro zone,” said Hugo Brady, a senior research fellow at the Center for European Reform, referring to the 17 countries that use the currency. “It’s almost as if it is now a 17-member European Union and other countries just by-the-by in terms of their problems.”

Romania has exhibited growing signs of political instability. The previous government fell at the end of April, two months after taking office, and Mr. Ponta became the country’s third prime minister to hold the office this year.

from:  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/07/world/europe/romania-parliament-votes-to-impeach-traian-basescu.html


Traian Basescu was born on November 4th, 1951 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traian_Basescu

November 4th, 1951

11 + 4 +1+9+5+1 = 31 = his life lesson = Scandal.  Controversy.  Things get out of hand.

Five of Wands Tarot card





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