
Archive for the ‘Torsten Albig’ Category

6 May 2012         20:21 ET

SPD top candidate Torsten Albig, left, and Robert Habeck of the Greens react after the first results of the German state election of Schleswig-Holstein

Germany’s governing parties have lost elections in the northern state of Schleswig-Holstein.

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) scored 31%, their lowest tally in the state for 50 years.

The CDU’s national coalition partners, the Free Democrats, slumped to 8%.

The opposition SPD finished just behind the CDU on around 30%, but are expected to be able form a coalition with the Greens and a party representing the state’s Danish-speaking minority.

“There were two losers in Schleswig-Holstein: the CDU and the FDP,” the SPD’s national chairman Sigmar Gabriel said.

The libertarian Pirate Party also did well, polling 8% and entering the state legislature for the first time.

The party, which campaigns on “digital rights” issues, had already pulled off a string of surprise state election successes, winning seats in Saarland, as well as in Berlin last year.

The vote comes ahead of another vital electoral test for Mrs Merkel – elections in Germany’s most populous state, North-Rhine Westphalia.

The collapse of the liberal FDP in recent opinion polls could deprive Mrs Merkel of her coalition partner in federal elections due in 2013.

In the last state election, in Saarland in March, the FDP only won 2% of the vote.

from:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-17973536


Torsten Albig was born on May 25th, 1963 according to http://www.ourcampaigns.com/CandidateDetail.html?CandidateID=299826

May 25th, 1963

5 + 25 +1+9+6+3 = 49 = his life lesson = Happy.  Smiling.  Wish come true.

Nine of Cups Tarot card





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