
Archive for the ‘Tiffany R. Hurd’ Category

July 29, 2012              10:34 AM CDT

A woman was arrested by Butler County Sheriff’s deputies Sunday morning after they found her trying to climb over a barbed wire fence into the Butler County Jail in Hamilton.

Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones says the deputies went to the rear of the jail at 705 Hanover Street at 7:27 a.m. Sunday for a suspicious person attempting to climb over the compound fence. When the deputies arrived, they saw the woman attempting to climb over the barbed wire fence.

They found it odd that she was on the outside perimeter attempting to get onto the jail property. She was advised by staff to leave the property and refused stating. “I want to be arrested.”

She eventually got her wish.

The suspect, 36-year-old Tiffany R. Hurd, repeatedly refused orders to leave the property and attempted to climb the fence right in front of staff members.  She was first spotted lying near the fence by a correction officer who had just finished his tour of duty and was walking to his vehicle to go home.  He had several failed attempts at getting the suspect to leave.  Jail staff then requested deputies to respond. The sheriff says Hurd was intoxicated and had a back pack with her.

They don’t know how long she had been out there trying to gain access to the compound before she was spotted. Deputies charged her with Criminal Trespass and Disorderly Conduct.

The sheriff says on-duty staff could never remember anyone trying to get into jail, by trespassing onto the property. “Usually the sheriff’s inmates are trying to figure out how to escape the compound. Tiffany however did get her wish to be arrested and will probably be a front runner for World’s Dumbest Criminals.”

from:  http://www.kltv.com/story/19140410/woman-jailed-for-trying-to-break-into-ohio-jail


using the number/letter grid:

1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9



Tiffany Hurd

2966157 8394             60


her path of destiny = 60 = Trying to climb over a barbed wire fence.   She was on the outside perimeter.





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