
Archive for the ‘Taylor Stinchcomb’ Category

Distraught over dog's illness, Gurnee teen dies in crash

5:52 p.m. CDT, June 21, 2011

Friends and family of 15-year-old Taylor Stinchcomb of Gurnee are grieving her
loss after the standout softball player died early Tuesday morning following a
car crash.

The teen was distraught because her dog, Romulus, recently
diagnosed with cancer, was to be put down by her parents.

According to the Lake Co. Sheriff’s
department, Taylor, without her parents’ permission, took their 2003 Dodge
mini-van, along with her dog and friend around midnight

Stinchcomb was so upset about her dog, that at one point asked
her friend, also 15, to drive.

Soon after, the friend lost control of the
vehicle and crashed into a tree and utility pole near Almond Rd and Route 120 in
unincorporated Grayslake.

Taylor was transferred to Condell Hospital in
Libertyville where she died of her injuries.

Her friend, who has yet to
be identified, survived the accident. Taylor’s dog however died in the

Grief counselors were on-hand Tuesday at Warren Township High
School in Gurnee where Stinchcomb would have been a sophomore this

“I know she was a good athlete. I was shocked all this happened,”
said Tyler Gottlieb, a classmate of Taylor.

Carri McGahan, Stinchcomb’s
softball coach says, the teen was a big part of the team.

“It’s just so
unfortunate. She was such a wonderful person to be around. She gave everything
to our softball family here at the high school,” McGahan said.

softball team plans to build a press box on the field in Taylor’s

Drugs and alcohol do not appear to be factors in the crash.
Charges could be forthcoming.

from:  http://www.wgntv.com/wgntv-teen-dog-die-in-crash-june21,0,6660542.story


Taylor Mae Stinchcomb was born on June 4th, 1996 according to http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/dailyherald/obituary.aspx?n=taylor-mae-stinchcomb&pid=152167811&fhid=2369

Each letter of the first name rules 9 years of life.  Ages 0 to 27 is ruled by the first three letters of the name.

Taylor Mae Stinchcomb

20 (T is the 20th letter of the alphabet) + 1 (a is the 1st letter of the alphabet) + 25 (y is the 25th letter of the alphabet) = 46

So from ages zero to twenty-seven she had the number 46 going on.

46 = Young.



18 (R is the 18th letter of the alphabet) + 15 (o is the 15th letter of the alphabet) + 13 (m is the 13th letter of the alphabet) = 46

So from ages zero to twenty-seven Romulus had the number 46 going on.

46 = Age.




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