
Archive for the ‘Tatsuya Ichihashi’ Category

12:14pm UK, Monday July 04, 2011

A Japanese man has admitted raping and strangling British teacher Lindsay
Hawker but says he never meant to kill the 22-year-old.

Tatsuya Ichihashi before cosmetic surgery (left) and after (right)

On the first day of his murder trial in Chiba District Court, Tatsuya
Ichihashi knelt on the floor and bowed to members of the Hawker family.

“I did not intend to kill her, but I am responsible for her death,” he told
the court.

“I am very sorry for what I did.”

Wearing jeans and a black shirt, the 32-year-old did not reveal details of
the killing but said tearfully: “During the trial, I will speak about what

Miss Hawker, from Brandon near Coventry, was in Tokyo teaching English
and had gone to Ichihashi’s flat after a lesson in a nearby coffee shop.

Police found her naked, bruised body – with her hands and feet bound – in a
sand-filled bath tub on the balcony of the apartment in March 2007.

Ichihashi managed to evade officers and was on the run for two
years and seven months before eventually being arrested in November

During his time as a fugitive, he had multiple rounds of plastic surgery to
change his appearance so that he could avoid capture.

In court, his lawyers argued the defendant had tried to revive Miss Hawker
after suffocating her by accident in a bid to stop her crying out to his
neighbours for help.

Miss Hawker’s parents, Bill and Julia and their daughters Lisa, 29, and
Louise, 24, are all in Japan for the trial.

Mr Hawker said before the hearing began: “I’m here to get justice for my
daughter. It’s been a long time coming.”

In a book written from prison entitled Until The Arrest, Ichihashi recounted
his experiences as he evaded the law.

He described the book as a “gesture of contrition for the crime I committed”
and said he wanted to give any royalties to the Hawkers.

The victim’s parents and sister Lisa will be called as prosecution witnesses
during the trial.

Murder carries a possible death sentence in Japan and a verdict is expected
on July 21.

from:  http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Lindsay-Hawker-Japanese-Man-Admits-Raping-And-Strangling-British-Student/Article/201107116023644?lpos=World_News_Top_Stories_Header_3&lid=ARTICLE_16023644_Lindsay_Hawker%3A_Japanese_Man_Admits_Raping_And_Strangling_British_Student


Lindsay Hawker was born on December 30th, 1984 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindsay_Hawker

December 30th, 1984

12 + 30 +1+9+8+4 = 64 = her life lesson = Misfortune.




Tatsuya Ichihashi was born on January 5th, 1979 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindsay_Hawker

January 5th, 1979

January 5th

1 + 5 +2+0+1+1 = 10 = his personal year (from January 5th, 2011 to January 4th, 2012) = Fate.  A turn for the worse.

10 year + 6 (June) = 16 = his personal month (from June 5th, 2011 to July 4th, 2011) = Shocks.  Surprises.  Unpredictable.  Revelations.  Busted!

16 month + 4 (4th of the month on Monday June 4th, 2011) = 20 = his personal day = Court.  Trial.  Confession.  Admission.  Guilt.




find out your own numerology at:


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