
Archive for the ‘Tarcisio Bertone’ Category

5:43PM BST            27 May 2012

Paolo Gabriele, 46, was detained on Friday but few believe he was the brains behind the leaking of the documents, that included the personal correspondence of Benedict XVI himself.

Investigators are combing through his computer and bank details in an attempt to trace people he has been in touch with.

His mobile phone is also being examined as many of the documents allegedly had in his possession were photographed while on the Pontiff’s desk.

His arrest comes two months after the Pope appointed a special commission to investigate the embarrassing leaks.

Dozens of documents including private letters to the Pope have found themselves into the hands of the Italian media and they have also been printed in a book published last week called Sua Santita (His Holiness).

The documents show how contracts were awarded to favoured companies and individuals and also highlight allegations of internal power struggles with the Vatican’s bank known as the Institute for Religious Works.

One theory is that Mr Gabriele, who has been the Pope’s butler since 2006, has been made a scapegoat for the real masterminds – senior figures in the Catholic Church out to undermine Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican secretary of state.

Another is that the leaking is aimed at the Pope’s private secretary Monsignor Georg Ganswein, who has angered many of the Vatican old guard by giving interviews to glossy Italian weekly magazines.

One source said: “Monsignor Georg has brought to public attention a role that should be very private and that has resulted in many people getting jealous because they see him as having far too much influence over Pope Benedict.”

On Saturday Mr Gabriele was charged with aggravated theft and last night he was still in custody in a Vatican cell.

In an interview with La Repubblica newspaper his wife Manuela Citti said: “This has been a hard blow for all of us. I can’t speak about the investigation. All I can say is that I know my husband’s loyalty and his loyalty to his job.”

On Sunday in his Pentecost sermon, the Pope made no direct reference to the arrest of Mr Gabriele but Vatican commentators pointed to the words he used as an acknowledgement of the dramatic developments.

“Communication between people is becoming more superficial and difficult. We see daily events in which it appears men have become more aggressive, confrontational, they seem to be concerned only with themselves, their own interests,” he said.

from:  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/vaticancityandholysee/9293448/Vatican-hunts-suspected-Vatileaks-mastermind-as-butler-is-charged.html


Tarcisio Bertone was born on December 2nd, 1934 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarcisio_Bertone

December 2nd, 1934

12 + 2 +1+9+3+4 = 31 = his life lesson = Controversy.  Scandal.  Things get out of hand.

Five of Wands Tarot card


December 2nd, 1934

December 2nd

12 + 2 +2+0+1+1 = 18 = his personal year (from December 2nd, 2011 to December 1st, 2012) = Surreal.  This is crazy.

The Moon Tarot card





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