
Archive for the ‘Spencer Pratt’ Category


Reality star Spencer Pratt learned a valuable lesson this week when he literally bit his tongue — hard! — during a game of tug of war with pup Rainbow (formerly Rambo). “[We] were just playing with one his new toys and the rope slipped out of my mouth when Rainbow tugged,” Pratt tells PEOPLEPets.com.

So does the Hills star know better now? “I play like this with all our puppies,” he says. “But I’ll think twice about sticking the toy in my mouth next time.”

from:  http://www.peoplepets.com/news/celebrities/ouch-spencer-pratt-gets-stitches-after-rough-puppy-play/1

Spencer Pratt was born on August 14th, 1983 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spencer_pratt

August 14th, 1983

8 + 14 +1+9+8+3 = 43 = his life lesson = what he is here to learn = Fun.  Enjoyment.  Playing.  Celebrating.  Entertaining.  Fun times.  Good times.  Congratulations.  Abundance.  Bountiful.  Enough.  Plenty.  Bountiful.  Cornucopia.  Feast.  Cookouts.  Picnic.  Banquet.  Dinner.  A toast.  Gregarious.  Recreation.  Hobby.  Pastime.  Leisure.  Diversions.  Festivities.  Events.  Fairs.  Gala.  Gatherings.  Get togethers.  Reunions.  Satsang.  Friends.  Peers.  Colleagues.  Mingle.  Guests.  Acquaintance.  Pals.  Buddies.  Chummy.  Hospitable.  Hospitality.  Holidays.  Merriment.  Mirth.  Frolicking.  Amusement.  Laughter.  Chuckle.  Comedy.  Jump.  Dancing.  Partying.  Welcome.  Greetings.  Salutations.  Hello.  Hi.  Handshake.  Belong.  Join.  Groups.  Clubs.  Bands.  Crowds.  Flock.  Huddle.  Meetings.  Reunite.  Liking.  Games.  Toys.  Playground.  Playful.     

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