
Archive for the ‘Green Bay Packers stock’ Category

Green Bay Packers stock sold 1,600 shares in the first 11 minutes on sale Tuesday morning

December 6, 2011       9:27 am

The Green Bay Packers are the defending Super Bowl champions, they’re the class of the NFL again this year at 12-0, and they have an MVP-caliber quarterback in Aaron Rodgers putting up mind-boggling numbers.

And they make great stocking stuffers too!

For the fifth time in the publicly owned team’s history, Packers stock went up for sale Tuesday morning … just in time to make every Green Bay fan’s Christmas wishes come true. According to team president Mark Murphy, a hefty 1,600 shares were sold in the first 11 minutes of the sale.

“This is an exciting day for the Packers,” Murphy said. “It’s an historic moment, we believe, for the organization.”

With shares going at $250 each, the team is trying to raise money for a $143-million expansion of Lambeau Field that is being funded without any taxpayer dollars. The Packers are hoping to match the sum of $20 million they raised in 1997, the last time team stock was sold.

That goal seems quite feasible, as online sales are making it easy for fans to become a part of a team that is on an amazing roll right now.

“I think our fans across the country are very excited to support that success, be a part of that, and this is a great way for our fans to support the team and to ensure we continue to have great success and have strong, competitive teams into the future,” Murphy said.

Stockholders are able to vote on team business and attend annual meetings, but the shares themselves have no financial value and can’t be resold. As the website reminds: “Common stock does not constitute an investment in ‘stock’ in the common sense of the term. Purchasers should not purchase common stock with the purpose of making a profit.”

from:  http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/sports_blog/2011/12/green-bay-packers-stock-aaron-rodgers.html


Green Bay Packers Inc. has been a publicly owned, nonprofit corporation since August 18th, 1923 according to http://www.packers.com/community/shareholders.html

August 18th, 1923

8 + 18 +1+9+2+3 = 41 = the Green Bay Packers Inc.’s life lesson = what the Green Bay Packers Inc. is here to learn = Availability.


August 18th, 1923

August 18th

8 + 18 +2+0+1+1 = 30 = the Green Bay Packers Inc.’s personal year (from August 18th, 2011 to August 17th, 2012) = Appreciation.  Thankfulness.  Having a lot to be thankful for.

30 year + 11 (November) = 41 = the Green Bay Packers Inc.’s personal month (from November 18th, 2011 to December 17th, 2011) = Availability.

[When the Green Bay Packers Inc.’s number (41 (their life lesson)) comes up, that’s when the Green Bay Packers Inc. gets to live/experience what the Green Bay Packers Inc.’s is here to live/experience.  So this is the Green Bay Packers Inc. month!!!


41 month + 6 (6th of the month on Tuesday December 6th, 2011) = 47 = the Green Bay Packers Inc.’s personal day = Notoriety.  Famous.  Internationally known.




find out your own numerology at:


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