
Archive for the ‘Ayla Reynolds’ Category

7:26 PM EST                February 03, 2014

Maine State Police have released the transcript for the 911 call made the morning Ayla Reynolds was reported missing more than two years ago.

The transcript shows Justin DiPietro called 911 at 8:49 a.m. on Saturday Dec. 17, 2011.

DiPietro tells a dispatcher that his 20-month-old daughter was missing.

According to the transcript, DiPietro says his sister, her daughter, his girlfriend and her son were also in the house.

DiPietro then tells a dispatcher that he last saw his daughter at 8 p.m. Friday.

At that point, the dispatcher tells DiPietro that officers are on the way to his house.

DiPietro says his daughter was last wearing green pajamas and tells the dispatcher that his sister Elisha saw the girl in her crib at 10 p.m.

The call then goes dead and DiPietro calls back and says his cellphone died.

At that point, DiPietro tells the dispatcher that his daughter’s name is Ayla Reynolds.

The dispatcher then asks DiPietro if they have checked the entire house and if there was any way she could have climbed out of her crib.

DiPietro says there was no way she could have gotten out of the crib.

According to the transcript, an officer then arrives at the scene and the 911 call ends.

Maine State Police have said they believe Ayla Reynolds is dead.

No one has been arrested or named a suspect in connection with her disappearance.

from:  http://www.wmtw.com/ayla-reynolds-911-transcript-released/24267548#ixzz3HJCtoopO


Ayla Reynolds was a 20-month-old toddler from Waterville, Maine who disappeared on Dec. 17, 2011.  She was last seen at 10 PM on the evening of December 16, in her bed by a family member, but was found missing by her father the next morning. The search for Ayla is the largest criminal investigation in state history, it is the third largest search for a missing child in Maine history, according to Stephen McCausland, spokesman for the Maine Department of Public Safety. Ayla’s disappearance is believed to be the result of “foul play“.

Ayla Reynolds is the daughter of Trista Reynolds and Justin DiPietro. Neither have been charged in relation to the case; however, State investigators and Trista Reynolds have both stated that they believe DiPietro has not been forthcoming about his knowledge of Ayla’s disappearance.

Ayla had been sent for a stay with her father, Justin DiPietro, by her mother and primary caretaker, Trista Reynolds. Trista had sent Ayla to stay with her mother while Reynolds attended a substance abuse recovery program, but social workers removed Ayla from her grandmother’s care and placed her with DiPietro. She was reported missing from her bed on December 17, 2011.  According to DiPietro and police, the last time he saw Ayla, she was wearing green polka dot pajamas with “Daddy’s Princess” written across them, along with a soft cast on her left arm. There were two people besides DiPietro in the house at the time of Ayla’s disappearance – his girlfriend Courtney Roberts, and his sister Alisha DiPietro.

A news conference was held by state police in May 2012 to discuss recent developments in the case, such as the discovery of blood in her father’s house and the number of people who were present at the time of her disappearance.[9] The blood was confirmed to be more than a cupful of Ayla’s blood, adjacent to DiPietro’s bed. The only comment state investigators made at the time of discovery was made was that it was ‘more blood than a small cut would produce.'”

It was later reported that DiPietro had taken a two-hour road trip before reporting Ayla missing, and that DiPietro had also taken out a life-insurance policy on Ayla’s life.

Following Ayla’s disappearance, a reward of $30,000 for information leading to her safe return was posted by various Waterville businesses. The reward generated approximately 1,200 leads, many of them from psychics, none of which lead to the discovery of any information regarding Ayla.

DiPietro did not speak about his daughter’s disappearance for almost three weeks after the story broke. As a result, Ayla’s mother accused him of having something to hide.

DiPietro, his brother Lance, and a mutual friend collaborated with the Laura Recovery Center to produce tshirts, buttons, flyers, and other goods to spread awareness of the disappearance.

Nearly a full year later, in October 2012, police trawled Messalonskee Stream a second time to look for Ayla’s remains, when construction workers repairing a bridge artificially lowered the water level in the stream. Nothing was found.

At the one year anniversary of Ayla’s disappearance, the Maine State Police, Maine Warden Service, and Waterville Police stated that they will not let up on search efforts until Ayla is found.[4] Two searches conducted earlier that month in southern New Hampshire and in Mayfield turned up nothing

A candlelight vigil was held in Waterville to mark one month of Ayla missing, and was attended by DiPietro. He was also the first to leave the vigil and refused to speak to the media. Trista organized a 4 miles (6.4 kilometres) walk in Waterville called the “Eyes Open” walk, as well as a similar walk in Portland, in May and July 2012, in order to keep media attention on the case.

A local songwriter, Pete Haase, wrote a song about Ayla’s disappearance and the affect it had on the community.

Justin DiPietro was arrested on July 6, 2013, on an unrelated domestic violence assault charge.

from:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Ayla_Reynolds


Ayla natal

Ayla Bell Reynolds was born on April 4th, 2010 at 4:15 p.m. in Portland, Maine

April 4th, 2010

4 + 4 +2+0+1+0 = 11 = her life lesson = Demand justice for Ayla Reynolds.

Justice Tarot card


using the number/letter grid:

1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9



Ayla Reynolds

1731 95756341                 52


her path of destiny = 52 = Fatal encounter.  Is anyone telling the truth?  Intricate details.  Some crazy a** b*tch.  Astrological analysis.

Queen of Swords Tarot card


85 rip


using the number/letter grid:

1      2      3       4       5       6      7      8      9
A      B     C       D       E       F      G      H      I
J      K      L      M      N       O      P      Q      R
S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z


A = 1              J = 1              S = 1

B = 2              K = 2             T = 2

C = 3              L = 3             U = 3

D = 4              M = 4            V = 4

E = 5              N = 5            W = 5

F = 6              O = 6             X = 6

G = 7              P = 7             Y = 7

H = 8              Q = 8             Z = 8

I = 9               R = 9



Ayla Bell Reynolds

1731 2533 95756341                 65


her path of destiny = 65 = An African-American.  You weren’t counting on this.  This stinks.

King of Pentacles Tarot card


Ayla progressed

April 4th, 2010

April 4th

4 + 4 +2+0+1+1 = 12 = her personal year (from April 4th, 2011 to April 4th, 2012) = Actions done in bad faith.  Seeing would be believing.  Doubts.  Doubters.  Skepticism.  Be skeptical.  This is weird.

The Hanged Man Tarot card

12 + 12 (December) = 24 = her personal month (from December 4th, 2011 to January 4th, 2012) = Who’s in charge?

The Queen of Wands Tarot card

24 + 17 (17th of the month on December 17th, 2011) = 41 = her personal day = Child mistreatment.  Child endangerment.  Harmed child.  Things get ugly.

Ace of Cups Tarot card




Justin A. DiPietro was born on March 4th, 1987

March 4th, 1987

3 + 4 +1+9+8+7 = 32 = his life lesson = Fighting.  Fights.  Fighting for his freedom.  Over the top.

Six of Wands Tarot card


March 4th, 1987

March 4th

3 + 4 +2+0+1+1 = 11 = his personal year (from March 4th, 2011 to March 4th, 2012) = Injustice.

Justice Tarot card

11 year + 12 (December) = 23 = his personal month (from December 4th, 2011 to January 4th, 2012) = Take action.

King of Wands Tarot card

23 month + 16 (16th of the month on December 16th, 2011) = 39 = his personal day = Dream come true.  Half-truths.  The story is only half told when only one side tells the story.

Knight of Cups Tarot card




Courtney Lee Roberts was born on September 27th, 1987

September 27th, 1987

9 + 27 +1+9+8+7 = 61 = her life lesson = Who’s getting away with murder?

Seven of Swords Tarot card


September 27th, 1987

27 +1+9+8+7 = 52 = her “secret” number = Fatal encounter.  Is anyone telling the truth?  Intricate details.  Some crazy a** b*tch.  Astrological analysis.  Nobody’s fooled.  Not fooling anyone.

Queen of Swords Tarot card


September 27th, 1987

September 27th

9 + 27 +2+0+1+1 = 40 = her personal year (from September 27th, 2011 to September 27th, 2012) = The daughter (Ayla).  Sister (Alisha DiPietro) present.

Page of Cups Tarot card

40 year + 11 (November) = 51 =her personal month (from November 27th, 2011 to December 27th, 2011) = Murder.  Homicide. Fatality.  Police.  Law enforcement.  Get a lawyer.

King of Swords Tarot card




Trista Reynolds was born on February 18th, 1988

February 18th, 1988

2 + 18 +1+9+8+8 = 46 = her life lesson = Kids. Personal history.  Maintaining her innocence.

Six of Cups Tarot card


February 18th, 1988

February 18th

2 + 18 +2+0+1+1 = 24 = her personal year = Cleaning up her act.

The Queen of Wands Tarot card

24 year + 11 (November) = 35 = her personal month = Without warning.

Nine of Wands Tarot card

35 + 16 (16th of the month on December 16th, 2011) = 51 = her personal day = Murder.  Homicide. Fatality.  Police.  Law enforcement.  Get a lawyer.

King of Swords Tarot card




Phoebe Michaela DiPietro was born on November 25th, 1964

Two of Swords Tarot card




Jeff Hanson was born on October 1st, 1960

Ace of Wands Tarot card




Elisha Michaela DiPietro was born on October 19th, 1989

Two of Swords Tarot card












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